Congrats to CWC Ozone for winning the 2024 SC State Championship!

Congrats to Mohawk 15U DBB and CWC Coach Pitch for placing Runners-Up at State in 2024!

CWC Ozone were the DYB Ozone World Series Runner-Up in Bossier City, LA.

CWC Coach Pitch placed 3rd at the DYB CP World Series in Orangeburg.

CWC OZone City of WeCo Resolution (click link)

CWC Ozone and CP make DYB World Series (click link)

2024 CWC Ozone State Champions (click link)


Spring 2025 - Baseball

    Practice is underway!

    Open Ceremony Sat, March 8 at 10AM with games and home run derby to follow.



If you are interested in coaching a team, use the "Coach Signup" link above. Additionally, follow 'Secure Volunteer' Tab above to conduct background check as well. Prior to the start of every season there will be a coach meeting for both experienced and novice coaches to discuss rules, hand out equipment, expectations, etc.
New players or players that move up to next division are drafted by each manager at/after the eval/draft day. We cannot guarantee placement on any particular team for regular season. This ensures fair selections and competitive play amongst teams. All Stars are selected by managers of each division at the end of the Spring Season. *NOTE1: If your player cannot attend every All Star practice or will not be available for the entire All Star District Tournament, that Player will not be eligible to be selected as an All Star. *NOTE2: If your player 'plays up' to next division, he/she will not be penalized for having ability/skill to play up when selecting for All Stars at their correct age division. IE, if player is league Age 10U, Minors and plays up to 12U, Ozone, they are still eligible to play 10U Minors All Stars.
  • General CWC Info?

    CWCDYB is for ages 3-12! 3-4 is Wee Ball, 5-6 is Rookie Ball, 7-8 is Coach Pitch, 9-10 is Minors, 11-12 is 'O'Zone All practices and games are held on weekdays with exceptions of Eval/Draft Day and Open Ceremony which usually take place on a Saturday in Feb and Mar. Practices and games usually start between 6 and 630PM, and number of practices and length of practices increase as players get older. Season starts with Practice in Feb and games end Mid May. Howard Park, 200 Cougar Dr, has 4 fields with lights and 1 without for games/practices and use of B and M Ave fields based on county needs during season.

  • What is my player's League Age for Spring each year?

    Baseball Season by age runs from Sep-Aug and the age cutoff date is May 1st.: Whatever age your player currently is, or will turn, before May 1st is your players League age. IE: My player is currently 9 and turns 10 on April 15th. That player is league age 10. My player is currently 9 and turns 10 on May 1st. That player is league age 9. Player will move up to next age division for Fall Ball (Start of Baseball Season for age) IE: My player is currently 9 and turns 10 on April 15th. Player is league age 10 and will move to 11 in Sep. My player is currently 9 and turns 10 on May 1st. Player is league age 9 and will move to 10 in Sep. Quick Age Calculator is available at top of page or Chart on the DYB Website.

  • Can my player play down an age group?

    No. Players will play in their assigned league age division, or may if approved by the board, play up to next division.

  • Can my player move up to next age level?

    With assessment and approval of the CWC Board, players may be eligible to play in the next higher age division. *Note: This does not disqualify them from All Stars at their current age level.

  • Is my player eligible for All Stars if my player moves up to next age division?

    Your player, if approved, can play at the next higher age division and will still be eligible for All Stars at current age group if not selected at the higher age division All Star Team.

  • We have vacation planned in the summer, can my player still make All Star Team?

    If your player will miss any portion of the District Tournament, that player is ineligible for the All Star Team. You and your player must commit to all practices and entire District Tournament. (Max of 2 All Star Practices can be missed before ineligible for tournament unless extenuating circumstances approved by your Manager/Coach. Cannot miss any tournament games at all)

  • Can I go into dugout or onto field to help my players team?

    You MUST have a Secure Volunteer (BIB) background check approved and on file to participate in dugout and/or field for any team.

  • I have a security clearance and/or am a government employee/official, do I need a background check?

    Yes, even if entrusted with National or Domestic Security/Safe Keeping, you must complete a Secure Volunteer Background check to participate/help with your players team, or any team at the park. Please find link at top of page.

  • What equipment does my player need?

    Player must have own glove. Most sporting stores have sizing charts for age/position as a guideline for glove sizing. It is strongly advised to have molded cleats (no spikes). Not a requirement, but most players have their own helmet, Bat, and baseball bag. Only USA Bats, BBCOR Bats, or all wood bats are approved for DYBaseball.

  • What kind of Bat can my player use?

    DYB can use USA, BBCOR, or All Wood Bats. (USSSA Bats are not approved)

  • Can I root and cheer for my player?

    Yes, encouragement and cheering is welcomed. *No artificial noise makers or walk up music is appropriate at DYB games and tournament play. Foul language, degrading remarks, or yelling at players/fans/parents/umpires will not be tolerated.

  • Can or should I argue a perceived 'bad' call?

    Let your player's Team Manager decide what calls he/she should question or clarify with the Umpire in Charge. Balls and Strikes can't be argued. Knowing the intricate rules will oftentimes clarify most situations. *Please read the DYB rulebook to familiarize yourself with applicable rules before causing a scene that is unwarranted. (IE,- What and/or when is there a baseline? What is difference between a foul tip and foul ball? What is a balk? What is a catchers balk? What is a fielders balk? What is interference? What is an Infield Fly and when is it called? When can my player steal a base? What is a dropped 3rd Strike and when does it apply? How many pitches can my player throw in a game or week or tournament? When and how can my player slide head first? All of these questions depend on Age Division mostly, but reading and knowing the rules helps clarify calls and keeps arguing/fights from happening due to regurgitating false information that has been heard by baseball 'experts' over the years. See tab at top of page.



PO Box 2732
West Columbia, SC 29172


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