LCRAC - No Tolerence Policy

Lexington County Youth Sports  “No Tolerance" Policy (available in PDF format here)

Recreational leagues across the country have seen a dramatic change in issues dealing with parents, coaches, spectators, umpires, players and league officials' conduct at sporting events. Although not as severe as some instances nationwide, Lexington County has had its share of conduct problems.  With this in mind, Lexington County Recreation and Aging Commission Board of Commissioners have taken a "No Tolerance" stance in handling severe situations occurring on and within leagues operating on (LCRAC) facilities. The "No Tolerance" Policy regarding adult and players behavior is as follows:  
A. General Unsportsmanlike conduct:  
a. No spectator, adult, parent, coach, board member, player or umpire shall verbally confront or argue with an official, coach, player or other fans before, during, or after a game.  
i. Penalties for such unsportsmanlike conduct will be at the discretion of LCRAC at a minimum of:
1. General Unsportsmanlike Conduct:  1 calendar week suspension from all activities including practices and games, plus probation for the remainder of the current season 
  1.a. The suspension must include at least one missed game.  
2. Second Offense: suspension for the remainder of the current season, plus probation for the following season.  
  b. No spectator, adult, parent, coach, board member, player shall use profanity at an LCRAC Facility.  i. Penalties for Profanity will be at the discretion of LCRAC at a minimum of:  1. Profanity: 1 calendar week suspension from all activities including practices and games, plus probation for the remainder of the current season.  a. The suspension must include at least one missed game.  2. Second Offense: Suspension for the remainder of the current season, plus probation for the following season
B. Drinking/ Possession of Alcohol: a. No spectator, adult, parent, coach, board member, player or umpire shall consumer or possess alcohol at any LCRAC Facilities.                                                            1 All post season play (tournaments or All-stars) will be included in the current season.   Revised: March 24, 2021 i. Penalties for Drinking will be at the discretion of LCRAC at a minimum of : 1. Drinking/Possession of Alcohol: Suspension for the remainder of the current season, plus probation for the following season. This will also include a ban from all LCRAC Facilities and activities.  2. Second Offense: permanent suspension from all LCRAC Facilities and activities. Offender may apply for reinstatement after two years from the date of the offense. A final decision will be made by the Executive Director.  
C. Fighting/Physical Abuse/Sexual Abuse: a. No spectator, adult, parent, coach, board member, player or umpire shall engage in any type of behavior that could constitute physical assault. The Term physical assault includes but is not limited to: Hitting, slapping, pushing, spitting, kicking, or striking in any way any part of the body or any physical implement2.  i. Penalties for Fighting/physical Abuse will be at the discretion of LCRAC at a minimum of :  1. Fighting/Physical Abuse: Suspension for the remainder of the current season, plus probation for the following season. This will also include a ban from all LCRAC Facilities and activities.  2. Second Offense: permanent suspension from all LCRAC Facilities and activities. Offender may apply for reinstatement after 3 years from the date of the offense. A final decision will be made by the Executive Director.  ii. Penalties for Sexual Abuse: 1. Sexual Abuse: Offender will be permanently suspended from all LCRAC Facilities and activities. Offender will not be eligible for reinstatement.  
D. Possession of Weapon: a. No spectator, adult, parent, coach, board member, player or umpire shall possess a weapon of any kind on LCRAC Facilities.  i. Penalties for Possession of Weapon will be at the discretion of LCRAC at a minimum of: 1. Possession of Weapon: Offender will be permanently suspended from all LCRAC Facilities and activities. Offender may apply for reinstatement after three years. 3                       2 Any person who physically attacks an officials, coach other fan or player may be subject to criminal prosecution as well as civil suit for money damages.  3 Licensed Law Enforcement Officers on duty or while on call will be allowed to carry a Department issued service weapon.    Revised: March 24, 2021 2. Concealed Weapon Permit Holders will not be allowed to carry a weapon at LCRAC facilities.  
E. Multi-Media a. No spectator, adult, parent, coach, board member, player or umpire shall engage in any type of written or implied social media posts (to include Facebook, twitter, text message or email, etc. ) deemed detrimental to the program or league  i. Penalties for written or implied posts detrimental to a program/league will be at the discretion of LCRAC at a minimum of 1. 1 calendar week suspension from all activities including practices and games, plus probation for the remainder of the current season.  a. The suspension must include at least one missed game.  2. Second Offense: Suspension for the remainder of the current season, plus probation for the following season ii. Penalties for written or implied threats will be at the discretion of LCRAC at a minimum of 1. Suspension for the remainder of the current season, plus probation for the following season. This will also include a ban from all LCRAC Facilities and activities.  2. Second Offense: permanent suspension from all LCRAC Facilities and activities. Offender may apply for reinstatement after 3 years from the date of the offense. A final decision will be made by the Executive Director.   It is the goal of LCRAC and advisors that participation in recreational sports programs be individually and cooperatively a wholesome, fun and personally rewarding experience. Each participant, along with the coaches and parents should try to achieve a more positive attitude for the sport and its objectives that he/she had at the start of the season.  

Guidelines for Enforcement for Community Leagues:
A. Any official, league representative or coach must report a violation to the local league governing body that is operating on LCRAC Facilities or property.  
B. The local Community League shall institute according to LCRAC guidelines a hearing and deliver sanctions deemed necessary against the offender. The local governing board's decision must meet final approval by the Lexington County Recreation and Aging Commission Athletic Staff.  a. Based on the severity of the offense, the Community League Board may add to a suspension. Any addition to a suspension must be approved by the Lexington County Recreation and Aging Commission Athletic Staff.  
C. Should the Community League, for any reason, not be able to handle the situation, then a review committee of LCRAC Athletic Department employs and three Community  Revised: March 24, 2021 League Board Members will address the situation. The offender may also appeal to this review committee. The committee will inform the person by Certified mail and email of the reported incident and that the committee will meet at a particular time and date. The offender shall be in attendance to state his/her case. After the hearing the committee shall make a decision on the sanctions, which will be a final decision.  
In closing we hope you will find the information for all sports leagues necessary for insuring a positive environment for our youth. It also insures that LCRAC and its constituents comply in the true spirit of cooperation. In addition, the policy enacted enhances the coordination of programs and facilities between LCRAC and Community League governing bodies. The "No Tolerance" policy will go into effect immediately.   The Lexington County Recreation and Aging Commission will always promote safety first. We encourage only programs with strict controls over age, and protection of all children from the psychological, emotional, physical or social abuse that can be perpetrated against them.  This procedure has been prepared and approved by the LCRAC Board of Commissioners. Adopted: 01/09/2002    
Lexington County Recreation and Aging Commission 563 South Lake Drive, Lexington SC 29072 (803) 359-4048  Athletic Director: Alvin Kelley Assistant Athletic Director: Barry Belville 



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