League Rules

WSASL League Rules


The Winston-Salem Adult Soccer League (WSASL) consists of one (1) division. In the event that we have 12 teams or more, we will go to a two (2) division system: the Blue Division and the Green Division. 

(Divisions are determined by previous season’s standings and balanced accordingly.)

·  Each team will be scheduled to play all teams in the league with the one (1) division system. In a two (2)-division system all teams will be scheduled to play all teams in their division once during the season.

·  Points are awarded as follows: Win = 3 pts. Tie = 1 pt. Loss = 0 pts. Teams are also awarded Bonus Points; one point for each goal scored up to three (3) goals, and one (1) point for a shutout per game. Note that losing teams also receive points for goals.  (Bonus Points will only be used as a tiebreaker, for seeding the tournament and draft position the following season.)

·  In a single division system, the points accumulated during the season will be used to determine the regular season champion and draft order for the following season. 

·  In a two (2) division system the points accumulated during the season will determine next season’s divisions and draft order.  Points accumulated in division play will determine the Soccer Shop Cup participants.

·  In the event of a tie, the following criteria will be used to determine a winner in both the single division and two (2) division formats:

1.  Head-to-Head (if 2 teams tied, skip if 3 teams tied and no team beat both others)

2.  Bonus Points

3.  Total points for season (2 division format)

4.  Goal differential

5.  Kicks from the mark

SPECIAL RULES (WSASL uses FIFA rules with these exceptions.)

Law 1- The Field of Play

-Approximate Field Size: 45 x 75 yards -Goal Size: 7 x 21 feet

Law 2- The Ball

-Ball Size: 5

Law 3- The Number of Players

-A match is played by two teams, each consisting of not more than eight players, one of whom is the goalkeeper. A match may not start if either team consists of fewer than five players.

-A team must have at least one female player on the field at all times. If a team cannot field a female player, they may use a “special” player who is 50 years or older. If a team has neither, they must play one player down. The “special player” must be a field player. 

-Substitutions are only made on dead balls and follow FIFA rules on when a substitution can occur. Subs are unlimited. 

- Each team member shall be allowed to play at least half of each game.  

Law 4- The Players Equipment

-Metal studs are prohibited.

-Players must wear shin guards.

-Players must have jerseys that are identical in color and have a visible number.

Law 5- The Referee

-Each match is controlled by one referee who has full authority to enforce the Rules and Laws of the Game.

-The referee will check rosters prior to the game. All players are required to have a photo ID with them. If a player cannot supply a proper ID, the referee has the authority to not allow the player to play. The referee’s decision is final.

Law 6- The Assistant Referees

-There are no assistant referees.

Law 7- The Duration of the Match

-The match lasts two equal halves of 35 minutes. The clock will start at the scheduled game time. The referee will maintain a “running clock” (the clock will continue to run with no injury time added). The half-time interval must not exceed 5 minutes.

-On double-header weekends, each match will consist of two equal halves of 25 minutes. 

-On tournament weekends, each match will consist of two equal halves of 30 minutes.

Law 8- The Start and Re-start of Play

-In accordance with FIFA Laws of the Game.

Law 9- The Ball In and Out of Play

-In accordance with FIFA Laws of the Game.

Law 10- The Method of Scoring

-In accordance with FIFA Laws of the Game.

Law 11- Offside

-There is no offside offense.

Law 12- Fouls and Misconduct

-Slide tackling is prohibited.

*If a player commits this offense, a direct free kick will be awarded to the opposing team.

-When the goalkeeper makes a save or controls the ball using his/her hands, the goalkeeper must distribute the ball within his/her defensive half of the field. This includes throws, punts, and drop-kicks. 

-If the keeper drops the ball to his/her own feet they become a field player, and he/she may then distribute the ball to the entire field.

*If a player commits this offense, an indirect free kick will be awarded at midfield to the opposing team.

-A player who is cautioned and shown a yellow card must leave the field of play and may be substituted for. The player may return at their team’s next substitution opportunity.

-A player shall not tackle or attempt to tackle an opponent from behind, outside the peripheral vision. (Direct free kick)  

Sending Off (Red Card) Offenses:

-Any player that has been sent off must leave the facility of play for the remainder of the match day and will serve an additional minimum 1 match suspension.

-The WSASL Board will review all red card offenses and has the ability to extend suspensions depending on the offense and circumstance. All red cards will also be submitted to the NCASA for review.

Law 13- Free Kicks

-All opponents must be at least 8 yards from the ball.

Law 14- The Penalty Kick

-In accordance with FIFA Laws of the Game.

-In tournament games that go to “kicks from the mark” a player need not be on the field at the end of the game to be considered as a kick taker. Substitutes are eligible to kick.

Law 15- The Throw-In

-In accordance with FIFA Laws of the Game.

Law 16- The Goal-Kick

-The kicker must keep the ball grounded or another player must touch the ball before it crosses midfield.

*If the ball crosses midfield in the air and is not touched by another player, an indirect free kick is awarded at midfield to the opposing team.

Law 17- The Corner Kick

-In accordance with FIFA Laws of the Game.


Any appeals on an official’s decision must be submitted in writing and postmarked, or delivered to a Rules/Appeals Committee member, within 48 hours of the ruling in question.  The committee will reach a decision on the appeal before the next scheduled game.  In the event that games are scheduled for a Saturday and Sunday, and a ruling is made which prohibits a player from participation in Sunday’s game, every effort will be made to reach a decision before the game.  If committee members are not available or a decision cannot be made before Sunday’s game, the player may not participate.  All decisions of the Rules/Appeals Committee are final unless overruled by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will arbitrate protests not involving an official’s decision.  Protests should be made in writing and postmarked or delivered to the league president within 48 hours of the event being protested.


·  If a player accumulates three (3) yellow cards in any combination over the course of the season, that player is prohibited from playing the next game.

·  A red card or two (2) yellow cards in the same game result in immediate dismissal from participation in that game (without substitution) and suspension from the following game.  Violent conduct toward an opposing player may require a harsher punishment.  

·  Two (2) yellow cards received in the same game count as one (1) red card towards the accumulated total for the season.

·  If a player receives a red card (or 2 yellow cards in the same game) as his/her third card of the season, that player shall be suspended for the next two (2) games.  

·  Cards shall not be carried over from one season to the next; unless a red card is issued during the player's last game of the season, that player shall be suspended from his/her first game the following season.

·  If a player receives two (2) red cards in one season, the Board of Directors will consider suspending the player for the remainder of the season.

·  If a suspended player participates in a game from which he/she is suspended, he/she shall be suspended from the next two (2) games and his/her team shall forfeit the game in which the player illegally participated.

·  A player who strikes, pushes or threatens a referee or linesman shall be suspended for one calendar year from the date of the offense.

·  A referee or team captain may request a more severe penalty for a carded player, including league suspension.  The request must be submitted in writing to the league president within one (1) week of the incident in question.

AWARDS (Awards shall be presented at the end of each season)

·  Soccer Shop League Cup Winner—to the regular season champion (Winning team receives $250)

·  Lester Gross Memorial Tournament—to the tournament winner (Winning team receives $250)


·  Regular season play will normally be on Saturdays. Games may be occasionally scheduled for Sundays, usually to make up rainouts or for the end-of-season tournament.

·  The Soccer Shop League Cup game will be played between the winners of the two (2) divisions on Saturday (Time and Field TBD) on the last weekend of the regular season.  The two teams scheduled to play the Soccer Shop League Cup participants will play each other at a time TBD.  In a two-division setting, the Soccer Shop League Cup game will determine the regular season champion. In a single division setting, the regular season champion is determined per the points settings laid out above. 

·  A seeded draw, single elimination tournament will be played on the weekend(s) following the last regular season game.

·  The season will normally start on the last Saturday in February (Spring) and August (Fall) and continue through the weekends preceding Memorial Day weekend (Spring) and Thanksgiving weekend (Fall).

·  A season will normally consist of ten (9-11) games with two (2) divisions and a tournament unless extenuating circumstances prevail.  

·  Captains will be notified of rainouts by 8:00am on game days by the President, Field’s Coordinator, or Head of Officials.  A league notification will also go out via Team Pass if the games are cancelled. If uncertain about the status of your game, call your captain or check the website that morning at wsasl.com, and Social Media.   Games will be made up on the next rain date on the bottom of the schedule.

·  Schedule changes may not be made unless agreed at least one (1) week in advance by both captains, the league President and the Head of Officials.


·  Board meetings will be held on the first Tuesday of each month, unless there is a holiday, in which case the meeting will be held on the following Tuesday. The Board will not meet in December or June.

·  Draft meetings will be held the week preceding the first game of the season in February and August. Supplemental drafts will take place following the second regular season games (excluding rainouts). 

·  Board and Draft meetings shall be held at (TBD) and will begin promptly at 6:00pm.

·  If a team is not represented at two (2) Board meetings in a season, they will forfeit their first-round draft choice in the next draft. 

·  Other Board of Director's procedures and responsibilities are detailed in the WSASL Bylaws.


·  Each team is responsible for securing its own uniforms either through sponsorship or in individual purchase.

·  The Board of Directors must approve new uniform color schemes.

·  Teams may solicit companies to sponsor them in order to cover the cost of uniforms.

·  A team is permitted one (1) spot on their roster for a sponsor/player, as long as the following criteria are met:

·  The player is currently employed by or owns the business sponsoring the team.

·  There is a display of sponsorship (i.e., new uniforms) within one (1) full season (6 months) of naming the sponsor, unless the Board, due to special circumstances, grants special permission.

·  There is not currently a member of the team already filling the “sponsor/player” spot from a previous sponsor.


·  Captains have both field and administrative responsibilities. These responsibilities may be divided or delegated, if desired

Field responsibilities include: 

1.  Promoting sportsmanship in attitudes towards referees and opponents.

2.  Ensuring fair substitution practices.

3.  Maintaining a working knowledge of league rules and FIFA laws

4.  Administrative responsibilities include

5.  Attending all WSASL Board of Director and Draft meetings, or providing a replacement

6.  Ensuring that all returning team members from the prior two (2) seasons have been contacted about registration deadlines and the start of the current season.

7.  Keeping player data, such as address and phone number info, current with the Registration Committee.

8.  Contacting all new players before the season begins.

9.  Keeping the team up to date on league information.

10.  Providing assistance to league officers in carrying out their duties.

11.  Ensuring that each team member is provided with a uniform.

12.  Maintaining liaison with the team sponsor.


·  League parties will be held twice during the regular season, usually on Saturdays from 4:00pm to 8:00pm.

·  League members, families, and guests are invited to attend.

·  Dates and locations will be arranged and announced by the Social Chairman two weeks prior to the party.

·  The league will provide food, soft drinks, beer and wine. (Parties are paid for but it is encouraged to tip your waiter.)  It is the responsibility of every league member to ensure that no person under the age of 21 consumes any alcohol provided by the league.


·  Registration is open to all men and women 18 years of age or older.

·  Registration is accomplished when a league official has processed the registration form and fees. The online registration form must be filled out completely and correctly. Willful falsification may result in the applicant being suspended from league play and any league member associated with said falsification.

·  New and returning players may register online at Team Pass, via wsasl.com. No player may participate until they have paid and signed up online. Returning players CAN Not turn in their forms at the fields, and MAY NOT participate until the registration is processed online, unless granted special permission by the league President or member of the Registration Committee, if the President is not available. If a player participates illegally, he/she is barred from the next two (2) games and the team shall forfeit the game in which he/she participated.

·  Returning players and former players who return after no more than two (2) seasons off will be assigned to the team for which they last played, unless they request otherwise. Players returning after more than two (3) seasons off will be placed in the draft unless special permission is granted due to extenuating circumstances. (i.e., injury, pregnancy)

·  All returning registration forms not received before the registration deadline must have a $10 late fee included in the registration fee. The form will not be processed, and the player will remain ineligible until the late fee is paid.  



·  All teams must have representation at the draft meetings to ensure that the procedure moves in sequence and is conducted fairly.

·  If a team has a current roster of 15 or more players and meets requirements dictated by special situations, it is not obligated to select from the open draft.  The Board of Directors may, from time to time, make exceptions to this rule.

·  All draft meetings will take place the week prior to the first game of the season at 6:00pm.  Team captains will be notified of the Draft date via email or phone call.


·  Draft selections will begin in sequence, beginning with the lowest ranking team and proceeding to the highest-ranking team, based on the previous season’s results in each round. New teams get added to the end of the draft order. 

·  Teams who failed to have a representative at two (2) or more meetings the prior season will forfeit their first-round pick.

·  A team may either select a player or pass when its turn comes up in the selection order.

·  The third round will be a special round in which only women and married couples may be selected.  Women and couples may be selected in earlier rounds if the team representative chooses to do so.

·  If there are still players left in the draft after all team's representatives have “passed”, the remaining players will be placed on the teams with rosters holding less than 14 players. 


·  Franchise player – prior to the initial draft, each team may protect one new player and indicate their intention to the board(Sep or Mark) to get said franchise player. The new player must indicate they want to join the team wishing to use the franchise tag on them. This player won’t show up in the draft and will go directly to the team roster. 

·  Family members – if a family member joins the league as a new player, they can forego the draft and be added to a team’s roster pre-draft

·  Returning players – if a player is returning to a team they played on previously(anytime in the previous 3 years), they can be added to a roster at ANY POINT in the season. 


·  All persons not drafted in the initial draft and/or registering after the open draft will be placed on a waiting list in the order in which their forms were received.  The guidelines of the supplemental draft are as follows:


·  There is a two-week period after the initial draft in which teams can add players from the non-drafted list. Players must be selected in the order they registered. 

·  No new players can be added after this supplemental draft window ends.



Winston Salem Adult Soccer League

Winston-Salem, NC

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