Message from Wake Women's Soccer League!




8 regular season games plus 1 or 2 games of tournament play.

WOMEN'S 30+ is open to players of a minimum age of 30. Exemption: Each team may have 2 players age 26-29.
WOMEN'S 40+ is open to players of a minimum age of 40. Exemption: Each team may have 2 players age 36-39.
Free agents are welcome!

Age refers to player age as of December 31, 2025.

Thank you for registering!
If you have questions, just ask us!
Susan and Laura


Spring 2025


    If you DO NOT HAVE A TEAM, please register as a Free Agent. ALL Free Agents will be placed on a team. We follow up with you for team placement.

    Goalkeepers, please follow the "WWSL VIP" link on the left of the registration page.

    If you HAVE BEEN INVITED TO A TEAM, register using the Player Registration button and select your team. (Your team name will only appear after your team organizer submits a new team request.)

    All players pay the same player fee.

    If you are BRINGING A TEAM, your first step is to email us at with your division and team name, so that we can set up your team for registration. (After your team is established, you will register as both Coach and Player.) Minimum roster is 18. You will need at least 12 paid players by February 16th to stay on the schedule as a team. If you only have a partial team, we will work with you to fill out your roster as we get closer to season start.

Spring 2025 Training Sessions

    Open to all women 18+
    Pleasant Park, Apex, NC
    Field #2

Winter 2025 Training Sessions

    Open to all women 18+
    Pleasant Park, Apex, NC
    Field TBD


  • Pleasant Park
    3400 Pleasant Plains Rd.
    Apex NC 27502
League policies, player code of conduct, and additional information are available on our website:
  • What is the refund policy?

    REFUND POLICY To request a refund from WWSL, please email our office. WWSL will provide a full refund for any players who paid for a season, but who were not rostered onto a team. Full refunds or full credit for future seasons are available for paid players if a season or division is cancelled by WWSL. Other league fee refunds will be considered on a case by case basis. The NCASA State Fee/Annual Pass will be refunded if a player has never taken the field. Once a player steps on the field, NCASA insurance is engaged. If a player has played in a game or practiced at the field, NCASA cannot provide a refund.

  • What is policy for player uniforms?

    · Teams are responsible for providing their own uniforms. · We encourage players on each team to wear matching, numbered shirts or jerseys. · Numbers should be a minimum of 8 inches in height and visible on the back of the shirts. · Teams are encouraged to purchase two sets of shirts (light and dark) to manage uniform color conflicts · The home team is responsible to change jerseys in cases of color conflict between jerseys. · Trading shirts during substitutions is prohibited · Matching shorts and socks are encouraged, but are not required · Players must wear shin guards, shorts, and shoes. · No player will be allowed to play without shin guards.

  • May a team borrow players from other WWSL teams?

    YES! Our current policy is to permit this, in the interest of creating fun and competitive games. The borrowed player MUST be rostered onto another WWSL team for the current season. They must meet the age requirement for the division or be eligible for an exception spot that is unfilled on the roster. There is no such age limit for goal keepers. Currently, the borrowed player does not need to be added to the official game roster. A game is forfeited if fewer than 7 rostered players are fielded - if that happens, a scrimmage will be played.

  • What is the policy for non-WWSL substitute players?

    GUEST PLAYERS are players not on any WWSL roster who play as substitutes at the request of a team captain. WWSL allows for guest players based on the following specific criteria: Requirements - Guest players must meet the age requirements of the division that they play for or be eligible for an unfilled exception spot. Guest goal keepers must be at least 26 by the end of the current year. - Guest player registration must be completed online prior to the game start such that the team captain can create a roster showing the guest as a valid player for the game. - Guest players must have (or purchase at registration) a current NCASA player pass.

  • How many substitute players are allowed per game?

    There is a LIMIT on subs. There is a limit on the number of non-rostered players (subs) allowed. In order to ensure fairness and consistency, the majority of players on the field must be made up of players rostered to their respective team. Teams must abide by these substitution maximums: If a team has 7 players from their own team to begin the game, the team may borrow up to a maximum of 6 players for a total of 13. If a team has 8 players from their own team to begin the game, the team may borrow up to a maximum of 5 players for a total of 13. If a team has 9 players from their own team to begin the game, the team may borrow up to a maximum of 4 players for a total of 13. If a team has 10 players from their own team to begin the game, the team may borrow up to a maximum of 3 players for a total of 13. If a team has 11 or more players from their own team to begin the game, the team may borrow up to a maximum of 2 substitute players.

  • Does the CAPTAIN add the GUEST player for a specific game?

    PROCESS • NO. The Team Captain does not add the player. The Team Captain directs the player to register and pay for the Game Day Fee via the WWSL TeamPass registration system (as explained in these FAQs). • The guest player registers online for the specified team and game through the WWSL registration system. • Once the game fee is paid, the player appears on the electronic roster, which may be printed for that specific game. • The roster must be presented to the referee before the game is played and may only be used for that specific game. • The guest player will no longer appear on the Game Day Roster after the game date.

  • How do I register as a guest player?

    HOW TO REGISTER AS A GUEST PLAYER: On the landing page for WWSL on TeamPass, scroll down to and select VIEW SCHEDULES. Find the day of the game and SELCT THE TEAM you will be playing with. On the next page, scroll down to the match schedule and select REGISTER GUEST PLAYER (button on the right side of your screen) to be taken to the guest player registration page. Costs • Sub players must pay the $30 NCASA player pass fee and upload a color photo upon registration if they do not have a current, valid NCASA player pass. • A sub player will pay a Game Day Fee of $12 to WWSL prior to each game they play. Substitute goalies play for free. - Communicate with the team captain to ensure they have placed you on the roster.


Wake Women's Soccer League

100 Meadowcrest Pl
Holly Springs, NC 27540

Contact Us - Wake Women's Soccer League

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