Competition Rules and Policies
All matches within this League shall be conducted under rules set forth in the FIFA Laws of the Game and the Rules and Policies recognized by this League.
1.1 Player Limits
- All teams may sign up to 30 players at one time. Additionally, teams may also utilize players from their club's lower tiered teams, such as a reserve team.
- Each team must sign at least 18 players.
1.2 Determination of Standings
- When there is a tie in the number of points among the teams that have played each other an equal number of times, the standings shall be determined by:
- Head-to-head competition defined as the better win/loss record in current regular season matches against all other teams equal in points.
- Goal differential defined as goals for minus goals against scored in regular season matches against all other teams equal in points.
- Goal differential defined as goals for minus goals against scored during the regular league season against all other teams.
- Higher number of goals scored during regular season matches against all other teams.
- When there is a tie in the number of points among the teams that have not played each other an equal number of times, then only tie-breakers (3) and (4) above shall apply.
1.3 Referee Fees
- The home team is responsible for all referee fees.
- The referee fees for the conferences may vary slightly and are listed on the website under conference fees.
- If a match is postponed or canceled with less than 48-hour notice, the club responsible of the postponement or cancellation is responsible for the referee fees.
1.4 Conference Championship and League Playoffs
- Unless otherweise agreed to by the teams of the conference, the champions of all of the conferences shall be determined by a point system.
- With regard to league playoffs, the determination of which team shall represent the conference shall be made based on the determination of criteria set by the teams of the conference.
1.5 Playoffs, Extra Time, Fees
- If a playoff match is tied at full time, there shall be two 15-minute extra time periods (no golden goal) followed by kicks from the mark.
- Except for conference final matches, the referee fees for playoff matches are evenly split by the two competing clubs. The league will cover all referee fees for conference finals.
- The league will cover all referee fees for league wide playoffs.
1.6 Prize Money
- LEAGUE: League Champion - $5,000; Runner-up - $2,500.
- Delaware River Conference: 1st place - $2,500; 2nd place - $1,500; Playoff champion - $1,000.
- Metropolitan Conference: 1st place - $7,500; 2nd place - $1,500; 3rd place - $1,000.
- Mid-Atlantic Conference: 1st place - $2,500; 2nd place - $1,500; 3rd place - $1,000.
- Northeast Conference: 1st place - $4,000; 2nd place - $1,000.
- NISA Nation Final Four travel subsidy - Travel costs up to $2,500.
1.7 Relegation
- Once a league conference has reached 12 teams, then the last place team at the end of the regular season is relegated to a feeder league if the winner of a feeder league or winner of a feeder league promotion playoff accepts promotion. Conferences may agree to have additional teams relegated. As per the agreement with the Cosmopolitan Soccer League (CSL), any team originating from the CSL that self-relegates, shall be placed in the CSL 2nd division.
1.8 Reserve or Lower Tiered Teams
- If a club wishes to utilize players also registered for its reserve or lower tiered team, that reserve or lower tiered team must play in designed APSL feeder league.
- Under agreement with the CSL, any APSL team originating from the CSL wishing to have another open fall to spring team, must have that team play in the CSL.
1.9 Withdrawal Before End of Season
- If a team does not complete its regular league schedule, the following rules shall apply:
- If at least one half of the full schedule of matches has been played, all scores shall stand. The points from the remaining matches shall be credited to the opponents and the team shall be assessed the penalties for forfeiting matches under league policies for each match not played.
- If at less one than half of the full schedule of matches has been played, all matches shall be considered void.
2.1 Precedence of Matches
- Matches sponsored by USSF USASA and/or matches sponsored by the state associations in which this League is domiciled, shall take precedence over matches of this League.
2.2 Scheduling
- The League office shall schedule all matches and may make changes to the schedule in accordance with these policies.
- If a club does not provide home ground information by the time the schedule is released, then the club is subject to a fine and its home matches may be moved to the visiting team's home ground.
- Any club wishing not to play a match on a bona fide religious holiday must advise the League month before the start of the season.
2.3 Starting Times
- Each conference may determine the range of start times for matches for the respective conference prior to the start of each conference season, considering the recommended time ranges set by the league.
- Unless otherwise agreed to by the competing teams, or as determined by the conference as set forth above, matches scheduled on a Sunday shall start between 11:00 am and 9:00 pm and matches scheduled on a Saturday shall start between 6:00 pm and 9:00 pm. Make up matches scheduled midweek (Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays) shall start between 8:00 pm and 9:15 pm. If the visiting team can demonstrate that the majority of its players will arrive home after midnight, then the visiting team can request that match location be moved. The presumption is that the match location would need to be moved but the league board can waive this requirement under extraordinary circumstances.
- Start time ranges for any inter-conference or intra-league play will be up to sole discretion of the league board.
2.4 Notification of Matches
- The schedule of matches and start times being published on the league website shall serve as official notice to all clubs. However, subsequent revisions to the schedule and starting times sent out by the league shall supersede those published on the league website.
2.5 Postponements, Makeups & Match Changes
- Unless otherwise set forth below, no scheduled match shall be postponed without the consent of the League office and both of the clubs involved.
- A match will be postponed if one or both of the competing teams is playing a national or state cup match the weekend of the scheduled league match.
- A match will be postponed if the playing ground is closed or unplayable due to weather.
- A club may ask for a match postponement due to a verified field issues such as field permit change or light malfunctioning up to two times in a season. If a club requires a postponement due to a field issue more than two times in a season, the additional postponed matches may be deemed forfeits. If the visiting team travelled to a field and the match is not played due to a field issue, then the visiting team can ask for a travel reimbursement of up to $250.
- If a match needs to be madeup and both teams are free on a designated cup weekend match, then the postponed match will be played on that weekend as the first option.
- Except as otherwise indicated in these polcies, as a general rule, makeups should be played within two weeks of the originally scheduled match date.
- Unless otherwise agreed to by the competing teams, the moving of a match from one week day to another (i.e. Saturday to Sunday or vice versa) would need to be done no less than 14 days of the scheduled match. Unless otherwise agreed to by the competing teams, the moving of a match time by more than two hours or match location more than 10 miles would need to be done no less than seven days of the scheduled match. A less than two hour or 10 mile change may be done up to 72 hours before the match. The league board can approve a schedule change outside of these criteria under extraordinary circumstances.
3.1 Club Names & Teams
- The APSL team must be highest-level amateur team in the club's organization, or the club's senior of first (1st) team. No APSL team shall be referred to, named or otherwised reference as II, 2 or second (2nd) unless the club's senior or first (1st) team plays in a US Soccer Federation sanctioned professional league.
3.2 Club Bond
- All clubs must deposit a bond of $1,000 with the League at the time of admission, which shall serve as a security for the fulfillment of all obligations, financial or otherwise, towards the League. The club bond shall be forfeited unless the club remains a member of the APSL or an APSL feeder league for at least three seasons.
3.3 Home Grounds
- All clubs must provide the league office with the name and location of their home ground prior to the start of the season. The league office may request a copy of a permit or other proof of control of the field.
- All fields must be of a minimum dimension of 110 by 65 yards and must be enclosed to prevent access to non-players or non-club officials.
- All fields must have team and coaches/managers benches. Only rostered players and coaches/managers and a team physio may have access to the field and benches.
- All fields must have restroom facilities at or near the field.
- Teams should have field access 30 minutes prior to kickoff.
- Under extraordinary circumstances, the league may waive any of the above rules and allow matches to be played at a field that meets the minimum FIFA standards.
3.4 Club Social Media Policies
- All clubs must have an active website and social media presence.
- All clubs must adhere to the social media policy of this League and any state association with which they are affiliated.
- No club or club official shall publish or posts any comments disparaging to the League on any social media platform.
4.1 Registration of Players - General
- All registration documentation including a completed online registration form (including full names, mailing address, email address, telephone number, date of birth, country of birth and citizenship), photograph, identification and waivers must be provided one hour before the close of the League office to be eligible to play the following day.
- A club with an outstanding balance to the League or one of its feeder leagues of more than $500 for more than 30 days may be prohibited from registering any additional players.
- A player may only register for one APSL club at one time.
- A player registered with an APSL club may not register for another club within an APSL feeder league system. If a player is found to be registered for an APSL club and another club within the APSL feeder league system, the player will be made administratively ineligible until he declares for which club he wishes to play, but will not be found to have been ineligible in APSL matches previously played.
4.2 Registration of Players - Professionals & Former Profeesionals
- All professional player contracts need to be approved by US Soccer in accordance with US Soccer policies. (Note - Professional players are not covered by the US Adult Soccer insurance policy and signing a professional player may affect his college eligibility)
- A player currently under a professional contract may only be registered through a profesional loan form which must be approved by the League and US Soccer.
- A player who previously had professional status may be registered as an amateur if the player's professional contract has expired and it has been more than 30 days since his last match as a professional. No additional paperwork is required.
4.3 Registration of Players - Minor (Under-18)
- As per US Soccer policies, any team wishing to register a player under the age of 18, must have all coaches, managers and adult players on the team complete SafeSports training and be SafeSports certified.
4.4 Registration of Players - Not Previously Registered with a League Club
- New players are eligible after proper registration.
- Notwithstanding the above, a club may only register an amateur player who is currently or has been registered with another club outside of this League after the club obtains a proper release or loan agreement if so required by the player’s current or former state or national association. A club may only register a professional player who is currently or has been registered with another club outside of this League after the club obtains a proper release or loan agreement as required by the USSF or other national association.
4.5 Registration of Players - Previously Registered with a League Club (Transfers)
- A club may only register an amateur or professional player who is currently or has been registered with another club within the League after that player has been properly released, as appropriate, by the current or former club.
- Players changing their clubs within this League during the current season are eligible to play immediately if both the player's first and second clubs agree to the transfer or 10 days after the player's second club's next match if the player's first and second clubs do not agree to the transfer. The player's first club is deemed to have consented to the transfer if no objection is received by the league office within 72 hours of the transfer request, Players are only permitted to change clubs once during the season.
- A player currently under suspension cannot be granted a release.
4.6 Registration of Players - Final Dates
- No player who had been registered for a club of this League may transfer to or sign with another club of this League after March 1 in each season.
- After May 1 in each season, a team may only register ten (10) additional players. Players registered after the last regular season match are not eligible to participate in conference playoff matches.
5.1 Match Day Requirements
- The home club shall be responsible for visible, correct and clear markings of the playing field; properly secured goal nets; the providing of match balls; and the placement of corner flags. If a home club fails to have the field properly marked, have proper goal nets, have at least six match balls and have corner flags placed after the referee has given the team the necessary time, the club may be punished by losing the match, fined, or both at the determination of the Arbiter or Arbitration Board.
- The home club shall be responsible to have a medical kit and physio at all scheduled matches.
- Prior to the match kickoff, the two competing teams and referees should do a walkout and line up at center field.
- Both competing clubs shall have a coach present with a minimum "D" coaching license except a new club may have a coach with a minimum "Grassroots" coaching license who is working towards his or her "D" license.
5.2 Passes & Roster Forms
- This League uses a paper player pass system where the player pass is part of the computer-generated match day roster form.
- All teams must submit a match day roster form with clear, colored player pictures before the start of any league or cup match. If a player picture is unclear, the referee has the authority to ask for an additional form of identification.
- To be eligible to play in any and all matches under the jurisdiction of this league, each player's name and picture must appear on the match day roster form. Any player whose name and/or picture does not appear on the match day roster form is ineligible to play.
- Teams must use only the designed computer-generated roster form for all matches. The roster form must be printed within 48 hours of the match, i.e. Friday for a Sunday match. Submitting an impoper roster form or a roster form dated prior to the time set forth by the League, shall subject the offending team to a fine .
- Prior to the commencement of any match, each team must present a match day roster form to the referee and a copy to the opposing team. If a properly completed line-up form cannot be submitted to the referee before the matches commences, the match may be started at the discretion of the referee, with the agreement that the line-up form be submitted before the start of the second half.
5.3 Uniforms/Kits
- Teams shall appear in proper uniform attire for all league and cup matches. All players of a team must wear matching jerseys, shorts and socks. Players who, in the judgment of the referee, are not properly attired will be ordered off the field. In addition, the referee must order any players off the field if, in the referee’s opinion, their dress could lead to an error in judgment.
- The home club shall always wear their "home" jerseys (except white) and the visiting club shall wear either white jerseys or jerseys which do not clash with the home club’s jersey colors. The visiting club must change jerseys if there is any color clashing or conflict.
- Team captains shall wear an armband on the upper left sleeve of their jersey.
5.4 Substitutions
- Each team may dress up to 18 players for each match. Players arriving after kick-off may play if a team has less than 18 players.
- Substitution is governed by the FIFA Laws of the Game for high-level amateur competition, namely each team may use seven substitutes without any reentry allowed.
- Substitutes should present an APSL substitution card to the 4th official or center referee.
5.5 Abandoned Matches
- If a match in progress is stopped by the referee because of bad weather, or for any other reason independent from either team’s behavior, and it is not resumed, the match shall be considered incomplete and it shall be completed by the two teams at another date/time to be determined by the league office with the score and the discipline decisions taken up to the moment of the interruption with the following principles applying:
- The line-up sheet for the resumed match may only contain the eligible players who were registered for the team when the match was first started.
- Any sanctions imposed before the match was abandoned remain valid for the remainder of the match.
- Single yellow cards imposed before the match was abandoned are not carried forward to any other matches before the abandoned match is completed.
- Players sent off during the abandoned match cannot be replaced and the number of players in the starting line-up remains as it was when the match was abandoned.
- Players who were suspended following a match played after the abandoned match in question can be included on the line-up sheet of the resumed match.
- The teams can make only the number of substitutions to which they were still entitled when the match was abandoned.
- The match must restart on the same spot where the abandoned match action occurred (i.e. free-kick, throw-in, goal kick, corner kick, penalty, etc.). If the match was stopped during the normal flow of the game, a dropped ball on the spot where it was abandoned shall be used to restart.
- Notwithstanding the above, by mutual agreement of the two participating clubs and the league office, the abandoned match can be deemed complete with the score and discipline decisions at the moment of interruption.
5.6 Non-Appearance to a Match (Forfeits)
- A team, which fails to play a scheduled match, shall be penalized by losing the match 3:0 and fined $500. Additionally, the offending team shall be responsible for any referee fees and home team gameday expenses.
6.1 Additional League Policies
- Other Rules and Policies adopted by this League and posted on the League's website, including but not limited to, the League's Policy on Misconduct, Protests & Appeals and the League's Social Media Policy shall have the same force and effect as these Rules and Policies.
6.2 USASA Safesports Policy
- This League adopts in full the USASA Safesport Policy.The same requirements and prohibtions of USASA leaders shall be binding on this League's officials.