BLYS Rookie Ball Rules
The following rules are to be used exclusively for the rookie ball league of Batesburg Leesville Youth Sports Inc.
- Player must not turn seven (7) years of age before May 1st of current year and must be no younger than five (5) years of age on April 30th of current year.
- Baselines shall be sixty (60) feet.
- A twelve (12) feet diameter circle will be used for the pitching area with the center of the circle being thirty five (35) feet from the point of home plate.
- Safety tee balls will be used.
- The pitcher coach must pitch from the standing position within the pitching circle. The pitcher coach will exit the playing field as soon as the ball is hit. Any interference on the part of the pitcher coach will be a judgement of the umpire and will result in a no pitch.
- Each batter will be allowed three pitches from the coach. If the third pitch is fouled, batter will get an additional pitch. If ball has not been put in play after 3 pitches, batter will be able to hit off a tee. If batter takes 2 swings off tee and has still not put the ball in play, the batter will be declared out.
- Base runners are only allowed to advance one base on balls hit off the tee and it must be a force.
- There will be an arc ten (10) feet in front of home plate. The ball must pass this line to be fair.
- A team may score a maximum of five (5) runs per inning.
- A team may have five coaches on offense. A pitcher coach, catcher coach, 2 base coaches, and a dugout coach.
- A team may have only 2 coaches on defense and they must stay 10 feet behind the base lines.
- The player pitcher must wear a helmet with face mask. The player-pitcher must have at least one (1) foot completely inside the pitching circle at the time of the pitch and no closer than the 35 feet mark.
- If the team chooses to use a catcher, they must wear catcher’s equipment.
- A half-inning will consist of 3 outs or 5 runs.
- A game will have a one hour time limit and finish the inning.
- A continuous batting line-up will be used.
- On defense, infield positions will be filled and all other players will play in the outfield (at least 10 feet behind the base lines). Infielders must stay behind the 35 feet mark and outfielders must stay 10 feet behind the base lines until the ball is hit.
- There will be no infield fly rule, walks, base stealing, or bunting.
- With runners on base, time will be called by the umpire after each play comes to a natural end.
- A caught fly ball results in an out, the ball is alive and runners may advance at their own risk.
- There is no advancing on an overthrown ball to first base. Runners may advance on overthrown balls to second base, third base, or home.
- Bats must be USA Baseball approved bats or t-ball bats.
- Appeals: A simple procedure to teach and follow: (1) If time is OUT: Pitcher takes position on mound, catcher takes position behind home plate, wait for home plate umpire to call or signal that time is IN, pitcher steps out pitching circle and takes or throws the ball to the player covering the base on which the appeal is to be made,* player with the ball in his possession tags (steps on) the base missed by the runner and state what you are appealing. If more than one runner crossed the base, specify the specific runner (such as "the second runner") that missed the base. (2) If time is NOT OUT: Any player in possession of the ball takes or throws the ball to the player covering the base on which the appeal is to be made, and proceed at the corresponding point as shown by the * in the above paragraph. (3) When time is OUT, the coach will make appeals for 5 & 6 year olds.