The duties of the State Director will be those duties as outlined in the Dixie Youth Baseball, Inc. Constitution and By-Laws.


The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meeting of the Board of Directors and State Meetings. The Secretary may be assigned other duties as directed by the State Director.


The duties of the District Director will be those duties as outlined in the Dixie Youth Baseball, Inc. Constitution and By-Laws.


The duties and all matters pertaining to the National Board Members are outlined in the Dixie Youth Baseball, Inc. Constitution and By-Laws.


  1. He shall perform such functions as may be delegated by the State Director.
  2. He shall assume control of the State Meeting and State Board Meeting in the absence of the State Director.
  3. He may attend the World Series and National Board Meetings while acting as the interim State Director and paid accordingly.
  4. He shall keep the minutes at the State Meetings and All State Board Meetings.
  5. He shall work with the State Board of Directors on any proposed Constitution and By-Laws changes.
  6. He shall meet with new leagues in the absence of the State Director.
  7. He shall visit District Meetings at the request of the State Director or in the absence of the State Director.
  8. He shall assume control of running the Major & O-Zone State Tournaments in the absence of the State Director.
  9. He shall assume control of running the Minor (AAA) State Tournament.
  10. He shall have the authority to sign checks in the absence of the State Director.


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  1. The Annual State Meeting will be held on the third Saturday in January each year, at a place designated by the State Director. Notice of the exact day, time and place will be sent to each league at least ten (10) days in advance.
  2. Proposed changes to the State Constitution or By-Laws will be sent to each league as far in advance of the State Meeting as possible.


  1. The Board of Directors shall determine the State Franchise Fees, which may be assessed in addition to those of Dixie Youth Baseball, Inc ($50.00 per league). The Fee shall be sent to the State Director to aid in expenses and continues promotion of Dixie Youth Baseball in Georgia.
  2. The State Director shall make a financial statement of the State treasury at each State Meeting and at the first Board of Directors meeting.


  1. The State shall conclude its baseball program each year with Tournaments, which shall be known as the State 5&6, Pee Wee, Minor, Major and O-Zone Tournaments. The State Major and O-Zone will be 8 teams, the Minor and Pee Wee will be a max. of 16 tournament teams (8 teams total for Division 1 and 8 teams total for Division 2). All Georgia State Tournaments, except 5&6 and Pee Wee will use the batting order per the Dixie Youth rule book. 5&6 and Pee Wee protest appeal may go to the State Tournament Director.
  2. All State Tournaments will be up for bid at the Georgia Spring Meeting.
  3. District Champion All Star Teams that do not tell the tournament director until after the district tournament is over that they are not going to participate in the state tournament, their league will not be eligible to bid on the State Tournament in that division the next year. This also applies if the team agrees to participate and does not show up.
  4. All State Tournaments will be played in one weekend using the Dixie Youth Official Double Elimination Brackets in the Dixie Youth Rule Book. Tournaments will begin on Thursday with Championship Games played on Sunday. Double Headers for Minor, Major & O-Zone will be played on Saturday.
  5. All State Tournaments on the Thursday and Friday will charge an extra dollar for admission to be given to the Scholarship Fund.
  6. All State Tournaments will be officiated by two umpires.


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  1. The Georgia State Champions (Pee Wee, Minor, Major & O-Zone) will be given $500.00 to purchase a complete set of new baseball uniforms and are required to wear the uniforms while participating in the Dixie Youth World Series. The District Director of that district, with the approval of the Georgia State Board, must approve the uniforms. The Board also requires the colors of red, white and blue be standard in the make-up of the uniforms.

Requirements for hosting the State Tournaments are as follows and all potential host must guarantee these in writing:

  1. The host will substantiate they have the know-how to put on the Tournament and have the support of their community.
  2. The host will have the option to provide a program to sell and will include, at a minimum the following:
  1. Welcome letter from The State Director.
  2. Team Pictures
  3. List of Dixie Youth Directors (State, National, and District)
  4. The tournament Bracket.
  1. Have a field or fields that are lighted and will conform to the specifications as outlined in the official rule guide book.
  2. Have an official score keeper and public address announcer.
  3. Have two qualified umpires (each game) who must be familiar with and knowledgeable of Dixie Youth Baseball Rules. *Host Site will supply Umpires as needed by the State Umpire in Chief with the exception being the Championship Games which will be Umpired by State Dixie Youth Umpires.
  4. Furnish approved Dixie Youth Baseballs.
  5. U.S. Flag to be flown during all games.
  6. Have rest room available near by.
  7. Have seating for at least 500 spectators.
  8. Post large Tournament Bracket.
  9. Have Invocation and play the National Anthem each day of scheduled games.
  10. Have a hospitality room for Dixie Youth Officials and their immediate families.

Option is Directors having access to the Concession Stand.

  1. Have practice fields.
  2. Sunday Tournament Game teams will be required to be at fields 45 minutes early to have a 15 minute church/speaker service. Opening Ceremonies is limited to a maximum of one hour.


  1. Have rosin for pitchers.
  2. Provide a place and chairs for the Protest Committee.
  3. Have Rain Checks. (If Necessary)

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  1. Have a field crew for field or fields.
  2. Have plastic or tarp and sand in case of rain.
  3. Give players home run ball.
  4. Have water and cups at each dugout.
  5. Provide a meeting room to be used by the officials and coaches for Pre-Tournament meeting.
  6. Introduce all Players, Managers and Coaches before each game.
  7. Have some one to take pictures and give to the State or Assistant State Director. (Pictures may be used in the Dixie Youth Calander and Baseline Magazine).
  8. Make arrangements at 2 or 3 restaurants for special prices for teams to eat at.
  9. Host League will provide to each team the cost and accommodations at 2 or 3 motels, then each team can make their own reservations.
  10. The Georgia Board strongly advises the host site to have souveniers (T-shirts) for teams and fans to purchase.
  11. Host will provide a financial statement to the State Director within thirty days after all Georgia State Tournaments.
  12. Host will provide water to working umpires during State Tournaments.
  13. Host will provide a meeting room to be used for a coaches meeting on Sunday before the tournaments begin.
  14. Host will meet with the Georgia Board at the January meeting.
  15. Other items as requested by the State or Assistant Director.
  1. An inspection of the host league facilities will be made by the State Director or His appointed Representative and one or more National Directors 30 days prior to the starting date of the State Tournament. If facilities are not suitable at this inspection with minor adjustments, the site of the Tournament may be changed. (The State Board will determine the site).
  2. The State Director of his appointed Representative will serve as Tournament Director at the Major, Minor & O-Zone State Tournament and David Gloyd at the 5&6 and Pee Wee State Tournaments and will be in attendance at all games. If absent for a justifiable reason, the State or his appointed Representative has the authority to appoint someone to serve in the capacity of Tournament Director and the Appointee be given all powers and privileges afforded the State Director.
  3. Recommend that admission be charged, if possible, as a means for paying expenses. Suggested maximum prices are for adults $10.00.
  1. If a District has less than 3 leagues that want to go the Minor State Tournament, they will play a 2 out of 3 games series.


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(l)Cost to host State Tournaments: (DOES NOT INCLUDE UMPIRES OR BASEBALLS)

    5 & 6 Coach Pitch  -  $5,000.00

    Pee Wee (7/8 Coach) - $9,000.00

    Minor (9/10) - $9,000.00

    Major (11/12) - $3,500.00

    Ozone (11/12) -$3,500.00

    The above will include the following:

  1. $100.00 State Fee, payment of trophies -1st place and individual trophies, 2nd place and individual trophies, Sportsmanship and individual medallion to each player, manager and coach. (State Director will supply).
  2. Cost of State Championship flag. (State Director will supply).
  3. Cost of Championship T-Shirts (to winning team). (State Director will supply)
  4. $500.00 to Scholarship program.

Cost to host all tournaments below the State level is $450.00

The above will include the following:

     State fee, District Director fee, trophies and $100.00 to the Scholarship Program.

     Trophies: 1st place-team and individual trophies, 2nd place-team trophy.

     Sportsmanship Trophy


       Tournament/District Director fee is $75.00 per each tournament game.



T-Ball (A), Pee Wee (AA), Minor (AAA), Major (AAAA) & O-Zone

The District Director shall meet with representatives of each league within their district to determine the host for District and State Qualifier Tournament.

  1. It will be the responsibility of each District Director to notify the State Director the sites of each level of tournament play within his/her district.
  2. Sites must be determined by May 15th of the current year.

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  1. When advancing three teams to the next level of tournament play in the six, seven, or eight team brackets, if two teams are eliminated on Day 4, the will play one game for the third position.


  1. Official T-Ball (A) and Pee Wee (AA) rules are published by the State. (Copies will be furnished to each league).

Leagues with T-Ball and Pee Wee have the following options:

  *T-Ball can play five and six year olds together or can have a league of five year olds and a league of six year olds. All-Star teams can be formed from each division.

   *Pee Wee can play seven and eight year olds together or can have a league of seven year olds and a league of eight year olds. All-Star teams can be formed from each division.

  (b) The State Director, using suggested dates in the rulebook will set dates of all tournaments.

  © District and National Directors will be paid one night lodging at the State Tournament and

        The State Board Meeting if travel is over 60 miles one way and the stay over night, $0.30

        Per  mile round trip will also be paid.

The State Director will be paid $0.30 per mile round trip for all travel having to do with the State Program.

Each Tournament Team Participating in District Pee Wee, Minor, Major and O-Zone league tournaments must submit two (2) 5x7 pictures of the team and one (1) 5x7 team picture T-Ball team to the District Director by the beginning of the first tournament games. The pictures must be identified with individual names of players, manager and coaches, reading from left to right and row by row. The District Director must send these pictures to the State Director. Assistant State Director of Host of the State Tournament by the first day of the District Tournaments.


     The purpose of the DYB Dress Code for Coaches is so that all of the coaches are attired in a

neat and professional manner on the playing field.

Coaches may wear the same baseball uniform of the team, OR

Optional Shirts/Pants/Shorts for Coaches:


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• Coaches may wear polo shirts or coaching shirts…ONLY if they are, identical in style and

color. These type shirts may have the name of their State on the front but no other lettering is

allowed. DYB patches must be on the left sleeve of all shirts. The World Series patch shall be

on the right sleeve of all shirts.


• All coaches may wear “Docker” style (plain or pleated) slacks or hemmed shorts identical in

style and color. Shorts MUST be no higher than 2 inches above the knees and no lower than 2

inches below the knees. Cargo pants/shorts, Carpenter pants/shorts, coaching

pants/shorts, wind pants, sweat pants or jeans/denims of any color shall not be worn.

• Note: All coaches must be dressed identically. Note: If one coach wears a uniform, all

coaches must wear a uniform. If one coach wears long slacks, all must wear them. If one

coach wears shorts, all must wear them.


• Caps matching the team caps shall be worn by all coaches. No coach will be allowed on the

field without a cap. No visors will be allowed.


• Shoes shall be a coaches’ style shoe, tennis shoe, athletic shoe, leather closed toed shoe, etc.

Coaches shall not wear boots, sandals, flip flop, Crocs or any shoe, which in the opinion of the

DYB tournament director, is not appropriate for the playing field.

No Exceptions:

• There will be no exceptions to the above policy. The Commissioner, or the tournament director

if the Commissioner is not present, shall make the final determination of compliance with the

dress code. Any questions need to be resolved at the Series Managers Meeting.


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• Penalty: Any coach not dressed in the manner outlined in this dress code will not be

allowed on the playing field before and during the game and shall be confined to the

dugout. If not discovered until after the game begins, the coach will be confined to the

dugout for the remainder of the game.

(e)Players will not be permitted to play below their age division at any level.

(f) If the Pee Wee, Minor, Major and/or O-Zone District Director cannot attend the World Series

     A replacement may be selected by a consensus of the three National Directors and the State

     Director, also the eligible District Director will notify the State Director the number of days of

     His availability for attendance during the week of the series with three days of the conclusion

     Of the State Tournament.

(g) One State Board member will be paid by the State to attend the Division 2 World Series.

      The State Director will have the option each year to attend the Division 2 World Series and

      The Pee Wee World Series at the State expense.

(h) At the beginning of the best of 2 of 3 series, teams have to declare if they win the State Championship if they are going to the World Series.

The board created a State Umpire-in-Chief and will be filled by the Board of Directors.


Notarized proxy votes will be accepted for all matters of business with the exception of the election of State Officials.


Amendments to these by-laws may be made by a majority vote of the members of the Board of Directors at any regular or special meeting.


Host teams for all tournaments will receive from the State Director an invoice for the cost of hosting tournaments. Invoice includes State fee, Director fee, Winners fee were applicable, T-Shirts, Championship flag where applicable and trophies. Invoice to be paid by June first for all tournaments, except State Tournaments. State Tournament fee must be paid by May 15th after May 15th  a 15% late fee will be accessed which will go to the Scholarship Fund.



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