Dentville Youth Baseball League Rules

These rules supersede all updated rules

Team Responsibilities: 

  • Home Team (1st Base Dugout) – Field set up (placing bases and pitcher’s mound on the field, field cleanup (remove bases & plug up), returning field equipment into concessions after game, and operating the scoreboard. 
  • Visiting Team (3rd Base Dugout)
  • All teams will complete general clean-up of their dugout area prior to leaving the field. 
  • All players must wear complete uniforms as issued by the league and they shall not be altered or modified in any way. Players must also wear the same color pants as the rest of the team – (furnished by the player). Shirt-tails are to be tucked in pants. 
  • Maximum 13 players for regular season teams

A. When a coach or player is ejected from a game by an umpire, he/she will report to the concession area and will not return to the playing area for the duration of that game and will suspended for the next game.
B. A player who is ejected from a game will be suspended for the next regular scheduled game to which he/she comes. He/she must be in uniform and present in the dugout for the duration of that game.
C. A coach who is ejected from a game will be suspended for the next game & warned by the DYBL Board. The second time the coach is ejected from a game, he/she will be suspended for at least 2 games or indefinitely at the discretion of the league board.
D. Unruly fans will not be tolerated. They will be told to leave the stands and wait in the parking lot and not return to the fields for the remainder of that day. If a fan refuses to leave, that team forfeit the game.
E. No coach may voice any non-supportive comments about any players on either Team that can be heard on the field or in the stands. Any such behavior can result in immediate ejection by the umpire. 

F. After one warning, per team for slinging the bat, the next incident of a batter slinging the bat and every subsequent batter after the warning who slings the bat, will be called out, a dead ball called and no runners advance


  1. Allowed 2 Defensive time outs per inning
  2. Allowed 3 Offensive time outs per inning


A. Umpires must be present five to ten (5-10) minutes before game time.
B. All new umpires must be at least 18 years old or be approved by the DYBL Board.
C. If a ball game is forfeited due to a shortage of players and there are at least 16 players between the two teams and the teams agree to hold a practice game, the umpires must stay and officiate the game with pay. 

  • Make up games must be completed by the first available Saturday (if necessary) as determined by the league commissioner. If neither team shows up at that time, it will be considered a double forfeit. 


Late Registration: Any player registering after the last official registration date must register via the website’s “Wait List”. A $35.00 late charge will be added to the registration fee. Late signers are not guaranteed a position. 

  • If a Dixie Youth player elects to play in an older age league, he/she must declare his/her intentions before the draft, be board approved and be present for the assessment. This player must only have one year of eligibility left in his/her age appropriate league. For example, a T-baller who is only a League Age of 5 cannot play up because he/she would have 2 years of eligibility in T-ball. If he/she is a League Age of 6, then he/she is eligible to play up if play up criterion is met (skills are appropriate and League has room available). 
  • The players/coaches of the first games each day will have a five (5) minute time period following completion of their game to clear the dugout for the following game. Coaches are encouraged to make post-game comments, etc. away from the dugout area so those involved in the second game can be ready to begin play without delay. 
  • Each team will have a minimum of five (5) minutes before the game starts to take infield.
  • Team hats may be worn under batting helmets to assure proper fit. 
  • The seeding of the intra-league tournament will be based upon the regular season standings. In the event of a tie for 1st place at the end of the regular season the tie breaker will be head-to-head series winner between the two teams. If the series is tied then a one game winner take all game will determine the League winner and #1 seed for tournament. For all other ties (2nd, 3rd, etc.) the tie breaker will be head-to-head series winner between the two teams then average runs allowed then average runs scored to determine the seed for the end of season tournament. 
  • If a game is suspended due to bad weather, the game will be a complete game if 3 innings have been completed or if after 2 1⁄2 innings and the game is suspended and the home team is winning the game will be considered complete. 
  • If the game is tied after regulation time or regulation innings, International Rules will be utilized until a winner is declared. 

International Rules: The International Tie-Breaker shall be put into effect once completing the last inning of the tie. The new inning shall begin with the last player to have recorded the last out in the previous inning shall go to 2nd base to start the new inning, the next official batter (and subsequent batters) in the lineup will start at the plate with a 1 ball & 1 strike count (1-1), and the inning will start with one out. The game shall be played until conclusion of a winner or maximum of 2 extra innings. If still tied after 2 extra innings, the game will end in a tie. This rule will not apply in the Championship Games of the league tournament.

  • A team may pull a player or players from another team or lower league division to fill an open roster position(s) as long as this player(s) keeps team from forfeiting or makes the 9th player for the game. No player can be pulled up from a lower league to make the roster for the game 10 or more.
  • Coaches – only 1 coach will be allowed out of the dugout while their team is on defense. Exception: Machine Pitch may also have 1 coach in the outfield during the regular season as described in each Leagues’ respective rules.
  • No hitting regular baseballs / softball against the fencing.
  • Bullpen Catchers must wear a catcher’s helmet while warming up a pitcher. 


1. One (1) player is allowed in the cage at a time and must have adult supervision.                                                                                                 2. A helmet must be worn by the player in the cage at all times.
3. No climbing on the fence or netting.
4. No more than one bat in the cage.
5. Batting cages are reserved for the teams playing. The home team has cage 45 minutes prior to game time for 15 minutes. The visiting team follows for 15 minutes.


Dentsville Baseball

PO Box 291107
Columbia, SC 29229

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