Why Your Club Should Join the Eastern Premier Soccer League?
Promotion & Relegation
- Why should clubs be excluded from competing in the highest-level league available if they have earned it on sporting merit?
- The EPSL supports existing leagues, and helps them grow rather than taking them over.
- The EPSL is entering into groundbreaking feeder league agreements which give clubs the opportunity to promote from their elite local/state leagues into the EPSL.
- Once an EPSL conference fills to capacity, all clubs that want to be part of the EPSL in that area must enter the local feeder league and earn promotion to the EPSL. In turn, the EPSL sends relegated clubs back to the local feeder leagues to create a mutually beneficial system.
- EPSL clubs receive financial incentives to enter second teams into local feeder leagues.
- The current EPSL feeder leagues are:
Casa League of Boston
Casa League of Philadelphia
Cosmopolitan Soccer League
Garden State Soccer League
Long Island Soccer Football League
Maryland Major Soccer League
Affordable Fee Structure
- Check out our low cost fee structure by clicking through the conference tabs on the left:
Constitution Conference: Connecticut
Delaware River Conference: Eastern PA, Southern New Jersey, Delaware
Metropolitan Conference: Eastern New York, Northern New Jersey
Mid-Atlantic Conference: DC, Maryland, Virginia
Northeast Conference: Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire
More conferences to be announced shortly.
League Objectives & Vision Non-Profit
- Non-Profit - Unlike other national leagues, the EPSL is a non-profit 501(c) organization. The EPSL is not set up as a business to make money, rather to serve its Clubs and players.
- Strong Inclusive Governance - The EPSL will be governed by by-laws and an Executive Board composed of elected officers, representatives from member feeder leagues, representation from USASA Region 1, and representation from member clubs.
- Groundbreaking Inter-League Promotion/Relegation - The EPSL fully supports promotion and relegation and puts this into practice with the first ever inter league promotion/relegation in the United States by partnering with two historic elite local soccer leagues that have produced numerous USASA National Champions, US Open Cups, and dramatic US Open Cup runs. All clubs should have an opportunity to advance and play at the highest level based on sporting merit.