The name of the organization shall be the “Houston Women’s Soccer Association” and shall be known as “HWSA” for all purposes hereinafter set forth.


The purpose of HWSA shall be to promote and maintain a high quality of amateur soccer competition for women, regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation, disability, color or creed.


This Association shall be directly affiliated with and comply with the authority of the Texas State Soccer Association South (TSSAS), the United States Amateur Soccer Association (USASA), the United States Soccer Federation (USSF), and consequently with the Federation International de Football Association (FIFA) and shall represent its members in the TSSAS.


The boundaries of this Association shall be the area generally considered Houston and the surrounding areas. This Article is not intended to grant exclusive jurisdiction to women’s soccer within said boundaries.


Any properly constituted team within the boundaries of this Association may become a member of HWSA if all requirements for membership are met and HWSA finds that such membership would be in the best interests of soccer.

  1. “Properly constituted team” shall be defined by the current season’s playing rules.
  2. Each team in good standing shall at any Association general meeting have one vote on any given issue brought before the membership.
  3. Each team shall have an official team representative and an alternate team representative.
  4. Any Executive Officer may serve as an official proxy for his or her team’s representative.


  1. Understand and obey the laws of the game.
  2. Regard the laws of soccer as mutual agreements — the spirit or the letter of which no one should try to evade or break.
  3. Accept decisions of the officials without dissent.
  4. Play the game fairly and honestly.
  5. Show respect for opponents and officials.
  6. Exercise discipline in controlling one’s temper and language.
  7. Fighting, threatening behavior, abusive actions, profanity, pushing, and striking are offenses that cannot and will not be tolerated by HWSA, whether they occur before, during, or after the game.


This Association shall have jurisdiction over all teams, players, officials and referees affiliated with HWSA. Each member team, player and coach shall adhere to the Constitution, Bylaws and General Rules of HWSA and shall comply with its authority.


This Association shall be governed by its members. The governing body shall consist of the Executive Board and the official representatives from each team in good standing.


Fifty percent (50%) of HWSA teams in good standing shall constitute a quorum.


  1. The Executive Board shall consist of the following:
    1. President—Elected at last fall meeting
    2. Vice President—Elected at last spring meeting
    3. Recording Secretary—Elected at last fall meeting
    4. Treasurer—Elected at last spring meeting
    5. Field Coordinator—Elected at last fall meeting
    6. Registrar—Elected at last spring meeting
    7. Special Events Commissioner - Elected at last spring meeting
  2. The above officers shall be elected by ballot by the team representatives to serve for a one-year term. Their term of office shall begin at the close of the general meeting at which they are elected with the following provisions
    1. They may succeed themselves in office
    2. Only one elected position may be held by an individual.
  3. The following are also members of the Executive Board:
    1. League Commissioners appointed by the President
  4. All unpaid members of the Executive Board have full voting privileges.


The Executive Board shall

  1. Interpret and enforce the rules of the TSSAS, USSF, FIFA, and the Constitution, Bylaws, and General Rules of HWSA.
  2. By a two-thirds vote of all officers, recommend to the voting members that a team’s or player’s membership be revoked where its activities are not in accordance with HWSA’s purpose as set forth in the Constitution.
  3. Hear and rule on appeals of decisions of the Disciplinary and Protest Committee.
  4. Review complaints of a general nature regarding individual players or teams.
  5. Approve all written contracts of HWSA.
  6. Represent HWSA at community and public functions.
  7. Fill any elected office which becomes vacant until the next general meeting.


Executive Board meetings may be held at the discretion of the President at a time and place specified by her (or him) or at the request of any three Board members. Fifty percent (50%) of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum.


Association general meetings shall be held at least three times per playing year. General meetings may be called by a majority of the Executive Board or by a minimum of twenty percent (20%) of HWSA membership. A quorum must be present or participating to transact business. Each officer and team must be notified of each meeting.


  • Roll Call
  • Approval of the minutes of the last meeting
  • Reports of Officers
  • Reports of Committees
  • Unfinished Business
  • New Business
  • Announcements
  • Adjournment
  • Votes may be accredited at the presiding officer’s discretion.


A majority of HWSA represented shall decide all questions except those involving amendments to the Constitution, removal of officers (vote of no confidence), or certain parliamentary procedures as dictated by Roberts’ Rules of Order Newly Revised.


Amendments to the Constitution may be made at any general or special meeting, or through an online voting process, by an affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the voting membership present or participating, provided that all the voting members have been given a written or electronic copy of the proposed changes at least 21 days prior to the meeting or voting deadline.


In the event that HWSA is dissolved, its net assets shall be distributed to bona fide non-profit organizations as directed by the Board. No part of such funds shall inure, or be distributed, to the members of HWSA.





  1. President
    1. Preside at all Association meetings
    2. Appoint all committees, except as noted below
    3. Create new committees and disband old committees as needed
    4. Vote only to make or break a tie
    5. Serve as an ex-officio member of any committee
  2. Vice President
    1. Perform all duties of the President in her or his absence
    2. Succeed to the office of the President if that office becomes vacant during the President’s term
    3. Serve as Chairman of the Disciplinary and Protest Committee
    4. Notify team representatives of game forfeitures and/or temporary suspensions for violations of HWSA Constitution, Bylaws, or General Rules which specify such action
    5. Maintain necessary records of insurance claims
  3. Recording Secretary
    1. Record the minutes of all HWSA meetings
    2. Maintain all records necessary for HWSA and its officers
    3. Distribute minutes of general meetings at or before the next general meeting
    4. Attend to all correspondence
    5. Serve notice to all teams representatives and officers relative to the business of HWSA
    6. Serve bi-weekly notice to all teams of fines they carry
  4. Treasurer
    1. Collect and have charge of all fees and monies of HWSA
    2. Keep a current, detailed account of income and expenditures of HWSA
    3. Give a report at general meetings
    4. Submit a final status report of the entire fiscal year at the first general meeting after the close of the playing year
    5. Prepare all necessary information for an external audit as needed
    6. Pay all bills approved by the Executive Board
    7. Be responsible for filing all required forms with the Internal Revenue Service regarding HWSA’s non-profit status
    8. Serve as chairman of the Budget Committee
  5. Registrar
    1. The Registrar shall be responsible for the registration of all players and have charge of all team rosters and player registrations.
  6. Field Coordinator
    1. The field coordinator shall act as HWSA’s primary representative in securing and maintaining fields for Association play. Executive Board approval will be obtained before entering into binding agreements with field owners or lessees.
  7. League Commissioners
    1. Keep team standings within their respective leagues
    2. Create the season schedule, supervise play and advise players within their leagues
    3. Serve as liaison between HWSA’s contracted referee assignor and their respective leagues in order that suitable referees are scheduled for all games, including makeup games,
    4. Reschedule league games
    5. Accept protests and grievances, along with the appropriate fees, from teams and players in their respective leagues
    6. Keep a permanent record of players receiving yellow and red cards in their leagues,
    7. Process travel permits for teams participating in non-TSSAS sanctioned tournaments.
  8. Special Events Commissioner
    1. The Special Events Commissioner shall organize all tournaments, round-ups, open days, clinics, and events outside of regular league play. This person will also maintain information of non-HWSA tournaments that may reasonably be attended by HWSA teams and encourage HWSA teams to attend. Executive Board approval will be obtained before entering into binding agreements with field owners, lessees, or any other vendors as they may pertain to the organization of a special event.


  1. Any member of the Executive Board shall be required to resign her or his office following a vote of no confidence,
  2. The procedure for the removal of a member of the Executive Board shall be as follows:
    1. A petition of 20 percent (20%) of HWSA team representatives must be submitted in writing to the Executive Board
    2. The Executive Board shall forward copies of the petition to all official team representatives and the affected Board member within ten (10) days of receipt
    3. All Association team representatives must be given ten (10) days written or electronic notice of the vote on the pending petition
    4. A vote of no confidence shall be taken at the next regularly scheduled meeting provided that the ten day notice requirement has been met and a quorum is present. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of all HWSA team representatives present shall be required for removal,
    5. Written or electronic notice of the outcome of the vote shall be sent to the affected Board member within ten (10) days.


    1. Board members shall be allowed only two unexcused absences per term from any regular or special Association meetings and Executive Board meetings. The validity of any excuse shall be determined by the Executive Board. Upon the third unexcused absence, the board member will be automatically removed from office.
    1. Each team must be represented at each Association general meeting. Teams not represented must pay a fine to HWSA before they may vote again. Fines assigned will be a stepped fine by fiscal year (Sept.-Aug) and consecutive offense. 1st $10, 2nd $30, 3rd $60.


All officers of HWSA except the league commissioners shall be elected by majority vote of team representatives in good standing who are present at the election meeting. Nominations from the floor will be accepted up until the time of the election provided that the nominee has given her or his consent. In the event of more than one candidate for an office, election for that office shall be by secret ballot.


All accounts belonging to HWSA shall be maintained with the double signature requirement of any two Executive Board members and/or committee chairs. No funds over the amount of fifty dollars ($50.00) shall be disbursed without prior approval of HWSA team representatives. Expenditures approved in the HWSA budget shall be exempt from this provision.



The leagues of HWSA shall be comprised of divisions based on consideration of talent, experience, geographical location, and such other factors as HWSA determines will promote equal levels of play. The Executive Board reserves the right to place teams within the division structure prior to the start of each playing season.


The rules contained in the current edition of Roberts’ Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall govern HWSA in all cases to which they are applicable and consistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order HWSA may adopt.


Amendments to these Bylaws may be made at any general or special meeting, or through an online voting process, by an affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the voting membership present or participating, provided that all the voting members have been given written or electronic copy of the proposed changes twenty-one (21) days prior to the meeting or voting deadline.

The playing year is from September 1 to August 31 of the following calendar year. One or more playing seasons shall be organized in each playing year. The duration, rules, and divisions for each season and league shall be governed by HWSA and may vary between seasons.

SECTION II – LEAGUE STRUCTURE *Please see President’s note at end

There may be an unlimited number of competitive leagues, each with an unlimited number of divisions. Teams may play in the league of their choice as long as they meet the requirements of that league. Leagues may be formed and/or disbanded by HWSA to meet specific needs of the membership. Requirements for additional leagues shall be approved by a majority of HWSA team representatives. 18 and up change approved by online vote Nov 2019.

A player may register and play for an unlimited number of HWSA teams at the same time provided that no two teams are in the same competitive league.












The rules of competition for HWSA shall be the latest edition of the Laws of the Game and Universal Guide for Referees with USSF Supplement published by the Federation Internationale de Football Association with the exceptions noted in this and previous sections:


Amendments to the General Rules may be made at any general or special meeting, or through an online voting process, by a majority vote of teams present or in good standing.

Current Document Aug 2019- present

*President’s note:

Recently enacted Federal legislation, The Safe Sport Authorization Act, has made it prohibitive to allow minors to participate in our league. The guidelines for becoming “Safe Sport Compliant” are poorly defined at this time. I encourage future executive board members to reevaluate this decision as better directives become available.

-Sandra Olmo
President Dec 2018-19

  1. Composition
    1. The Disciplinary and Protest Committee shall consist of not more than seven members, all of whom shall be appointed by the Executive Board. The Vice President, although not a member, shall serve as chairman. Members will serve for a term of one year.
  2. Duties
    1. The committee shall decide the validity of any protests or grievances and impose disciplinary sanctions as necessary.
  3. Members
    1. The members of the HWSA Disciplinary and Protest Committee may not belong to the Executive Committee.
  4. Restrictions
    1. The members of the HWSA Disciplinary and Protest Committee may not sit on the committee if the case being dealt with concerns themselves, players, officials, or any other members of the club to which they belong.
  5. Quorum
    1. Meetings shall be conducted by the chairman. The committee is valid with a quorum of at least two members, plus the chairman. In exceptional cases, the chairman may, however, designate a member as his substitute, thus assigning his powers to him.
  6. Decisions
    1. The committee shall take its decisions by a simple majority of votes of the members present. No member may abstain from voting. If an equal number of votes are recorded, the chairman shall have the deciding vote. The committee may uphold, overturn, or amend a protest or grievance that has been lodged. It shall not be bound by the petition from the parties concerned. A decision may be amended to the disadvantage of the party lodging the protest or grievance.
  7. Entitlement to Appeal
    1. Any club, player, official or member directly affected by a decision of the Disciplinary and Protest Committee shall be entitled to appeal. Any appeal must be submitted to the HWSA Executive Board within ten days of notification of the decision by the Disciplinary and Protest Committee. Appeals must be filed in writing with the President of the HWSA and be accompanied by a fifty-dollar ($50.00) appeal fee. The Executive Board shall affirm, revoke, or amend a decision of the Disciplinary and Protest Committee. Decisions of the Executive Board may be appealed to TSSAS and then through the USSF under their respective appeal and protest policies and procedures.
  8. Protest or Grievance
    1. Definition
      1. A protest is a formal expression of dissent related to the outcome of a game.
      2. A grievance is a formal expression of dissent not related to the outcome of a game.
      3. Both individuals and teams have the right to file protests and grievances
    2. Basis
      1. A game may only be protested for the following reasons:
      2. a referee’s breaking a Law of the Game
      3. a team playing an ineligible or suspended player; or a suspended coach being present and coaching the team.
      4. No protest or grievance may be made against the referee’s decisions regarding facts connected with play, such decisions being final.
    3. Filing
      1. In order to be considered, a protest shall be sent to the League Commissioner and the HWSA Vice President by email, fax, or letter no later than three days after the completion of the game in question.
      2. Grievances must be sent within ten days of the completion of the game in question.
      3. This petition shall, in addition to the request, contain a full report of the facts and the grounds upon which it is based.
      4. The committee may, when requested in writing to do so, waive the time limit for filing protests or grievances; but in no case shall it grant an extension of more than ten days.
    4. Hearing
      1. The committee shall conduct a hearing on the protest or grievance no later than the next scheduled league meeting, subject to the notice requirements in Section h., below.
    5. Deposit
      1. A protest shall be accompanied by a deposit of fifty dollars ($50.00) and a grievance shall be accompanied by a deposit of twenty-five dollars ($25.00).
      2. Failure to deposit this amount shall render the protest or grievance void.
      3. If the protest or grievance is upheld, the deposit shall be refunded.
      4. If the protest or grievance is rejected or withdrawn, the deposit is forfeited.
    6. Non-compliance
      1. A protest or grievance which, in the chairman’s opinion, does not comply with the provisions of these regulations shall be disregarded.
    7. Documents
      1. The committee shall, as a rule, reach its decision on the basis of the documents and other means of evidence contained submitted with the protest or grievance and at the hearing.
    8. Notification to Other Party
      1. If a protest or grievance is judged to be valid, the chairman shall notify the other party implicated in the protest or grievance.
      2. When this party is notified, the chairman shall give them a period of grace in which to state their case and submit the items they consider necessary.
      3. If the other party fails to react within the period prescribed, it shall be deemed to have renounced its rights to participate in the hearing.
    9. Deliberations
      1. The parties concerned shall not be entitled to attend the deliberations.
      2. List of Disciplinary Measures
      3. The committee shall take its decision in accordance with the list of disciplinary measures passed by the Executive Committee as defined in Section XII of the General Rules.
    10. Notifications of Decisions
      1. Any decisions taken by the committee shall be communicated in writing to the parties concerned by the chairman.
      2. If the parties are present, they may be informed of the decision orally but it shall be confirmed in writing without delay.
      3. A decision shall come into force as soon as the parties concerned have been notified in writing, unless otherwise stipulated in the committee’s decision.
    11. Publication of Decisions
      1. Decisions taken by the committee shall, except in special cases, be made public.
    1. Open Women’s League
      1. All players must be eighteen (18) years or older before the date of the first game of the season.
    2. Over 30 League
      1. All players must be thirty (30) years or older before the date of the first game of the Over 30 season.
    3. Coed League
      1. All players must be eighteen (18) years or older before the date of the first game of the season,
      2. No more than five (5) men on the field at any time, not including the goalkeeper,
      3. Should any male field player receive a red card, the maximum number of men allowed on the field shall be reduced by one for each red card received,
      4. Women’s goals will be scored as two (2) points, including penalty kicks
    4. U23 Women’s League
      1. All players must be eighteen (18) years or older before the date of the first game of the season
      2. A team must have a core of ten (10) players under twenty-three (23) years of age as of August 31 of that playing year
      3. A team may have no more than two players twenty-three (23) years or older as of August 31 of that playing year.
    5. O40 Women’s League
      1. All players must turn 40 within the calendar year.
      2. Each team will be allowed two (2) players aged 35-39. Commissioner may allow more if needed to complete teams.
    1. The number of teams making up each division within a league shall be determined by the League Commissioner with the approval of the Executive Board based on the total number of teams registered for the current season.
    2. The first point of order in scheduling shall be the relegation of the bottom team of each division to the next lower division, when available. The promotion of the top team from each division to the next higher division, when available, shall follow. In the event that there is an imbalance in the divisions after the relegation and promotion of the teams has taken place, the following order of importance shall be observed in adjusting the distribution of teams into divisions:
      1. the effects of imbalance to every division
      2. the quality of play for each division
      3. the number of games for each division
    3. The placement of new teams entering HWSA shall be determined by:
      1. A calculation of the combined individual experience
      2. Caliber of team skills (an exhibition game may be requested by the Executive Board)
      3. Discretion of the Executive Board.
    1. Points to determine division standings are to be computed as follows:
      • Win—three (3) points
      • Tie—one (1) point
      • Loss—zero (0) points
    2. Should a comparison of points result in a tie, the League Commissioner shall determine place by:
      1. Comparison of the tied teams’ head-to-head goal differential — total goals minus total goals conceded — with the maximum goal differential in any game, positive or negative, being capped at three (3), then
      2. Comparison of the teams’ cumulative goal differential — total goals scored minus total goals conceded — with the maximum goal differential in any game, positive or negative, being capped at three (3)
    3. Only those games assigned within a team’s division or as scheduled between divisions will count toward division standings. Each team in a given division will play a like number of games for division standings.
    1. All players and teams officially registered with HWSA shall be registered with TSSAS, a member of the USSF.
      1. A player will be considered officially registered with HWSA upon completion of all required forms (including player registration form, player ID photo and waiver) and submission of completed forms and required playing fee to the Registrar.
      2. A player must be officially registered with the Registrar at least five days prior to playing in any official game. Any players registered less than 5 days in advance are not guaranteed eligibility for the next match
      3. Players may register with a team any time during the season through the dates listed below. After this time no rosters may be changed except under special circumstances. (Changes after this time require written approval of the Executive Board.) The dates below apply to registration for Association play only:
        1. Fall season: November 15
        2. Spring season: April 15
        3. Summer season: July 15
      4. Players on a team which registers its players with HWSA for the coming playing season and subsequently disbands will be refunded one half of their registration fee if the Registrar is notified of their disbandment in writing at least seven (7) days prior to the first Association scheduled game and if they do not transfer to another team. No refund will be made after this time.
      5. Players transferring to another team within two weeks will be treated as transfer players rather than receiving the partial refund.
      6. The transfer fee will be waived.
      1. Each team shall submit a team registration form by the deadline set by HWSA. Failure to meet this requirement may result in imposition of a late registration fee or rejection of the team’s registration for the pending season, at the Executive Board’s discretion.
      2. A team may have no more than 25 players on its roster per season. A team may suit up a maximum of 18 players per game. Rule removed- online vote Jan 2019
    4. COACHES
      1. All coaches shall be considered members of HWSA and are subject to all rules.
    1. All players are bound to their team for one playing year (September 1 — August 31), except as provided below.
    2. A player’s registration with a team may be terminated by mutual consent of the team representative and the player. A player can appeal the refusal of release to the League Commissioner.
    3. A player who obtains a release shall be eligible to play for any other team after:
      1. Proper registration
      2. Eight day waiting period from the date on the release form
      3. Payment of TSSAS transfer fee.
    1. Unless fields are secured by the Executive Board, all teams must have access to an acceptable field for home games. Any fees due for the use of a field are the responsibility of the home team. The home team shall be responsible for nets, stakes, corner flags, game ball and proper field marking.
    2. In leagues using fields secured by the Executive Board, the home team is listed first on the official schedule.
      1. In case of a jersey color conflict, the home team must change shirts. Teams are expected to wear the jersey color listed on the league roster. Failure to change when teams do not have contrasting colors, in the judgment of the Referee, shall result in forfeiture of the game by the home team.
    1. Be responsible for their players’ eligibility. Playing an unregistered player shall result in a forfeit of and a fifty dollar ($50.00) fine and payment of full referee fees ($60 for 11v11 one man system, $40 for 7v7 and 8v8 one man systems, $160 for 11v11 3-man system) for all games in which such infractions occur. Repeated infractions may result in increased fines and/or sanctions against the team.
    2. Be responsible for the submission of all necessary rosters, fees, fines, etc., called for in these General Rules. All fees and fines shall be payable to HWSA online within 15 days of notification or be marked ineligible until payment is made. Payment by team or personal check, cashier’s check or money order can be arranged. It is your responsibility to contact the league commissioner and treasurer if you need to pay with one of these methods. A fine of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) shall be assessed for any returned check.
    3. Represent their team at all general meetings and communicate the business conducted to his/her team members. In the event that she or he is unable to attend, she or he should arrange for a proxy.
    4. Notify their team of the date, hour and location of each game.
    5. Ensure the online game report form is correct with the names of all players and their jersey numbers prior to the game. After the game, verify the score and identity of scorers and verify that all information noted on the report (e.g., yellow and red cards, injuries) is complete and correct.
    6. Be responsible for making sure all players have a clear and approved profile picture and have signed the annual waiver. Managers will assist the referee with the online check-in of players. The referee has the right to request additional identification. Players can be refused if unable to produce adequate identification.
    7. Ensure that team members are familiar with and abide by the HWSA Rules and FIFA Laws of the game. Each team representative is responsible for ensuring that all rules of competition are complied with by his/her players and spectators and for the conduct and courtesy of his players and spectators.
    8. Be responsible for maintaining order and respect for the authority of the referee during games.
    1. Uniforms for players are mandatory. Normal uniform consists of a jersey, knee socks, shin guards, and soccer cleats, or training shoes. Soccer cleats shall conform to the requirements of the USSF.
    2. Long pants, knit caps, and gloves may be worn in cold weather. Final decision regarding the acceptability of uniforms rests with the referee.
    3. Goalkeepers may wear approved goalkeeper gloves. All goalkeepers must wear a jersey which differs from both teams’ uniforms and that of the referee.
    4. All jerseys shall be numbered with the exception of the goalkeeper. Numerals shall be at least five (5) inches high.
    5. Each player shall wear the same number throughout the game. All players on the same team must wear substantially matching jerseys.
    1. Games may only be postponed for the following reasons:
      1. Inclement weather or unplayable field as determined by the referee or the field owner/lessee
      2. USSF or TSSAS sanctioned tournaments,
    2. If a regularly scheduled game has to be postponed for any of the above reasons, the opposing team representative, League Commissioner, and the Referee Assignor, as appropriate, shall be notified at the earliest date possible. Failure to notify the League Commissioner or Referee Assignor may result in a fine of $50 and full referee fees.
    3. Once the referee arrives at the field, only the referee or the field owner/lessee can decide if a game is to be called off because of weather, dangerous playing conditions, or possible damage to the field.
    4. If the game is called off by the referee or the field owner/lessee at any time prior to having played 60 minutes, the game will be rescheduled and replayed in its entirety. Each team is responsible for the referee fees for both the rained out game and the rescheduled game, unless the rainout occurs before the referee officially starts the second half of play. In that instance, HWSA will pay the referees for the rescheduled game only. Any cards or fines incurred during the rained out game will remain on the record.
    5. If the game is called off by the referee or the field owner/lessee after reaching or passing the time requirements detailed below, the game will stand with the score as it is at that time.
      1. For 90 minute game- 60th minute
      2. For 80 minute game- 55th minute
      3. For 60 minute game- 40th minute
      4. For 50 minute game- 35th minute
    6. If no referee has arrived after twenty (20) minutes, the game will be postponed and re-scheduled by the League Commissioner. If the referee fails to show and both teams agree on a substitute referee, the game may be played after the change is noted on the game report before play begins.
    1. All forfeits will be recorded as a 3-0 loss. In addition to outstanding fine forfeitures or a team voluntarily forfeiting before the match, the following situations shall warrant a forfeit:
      1. Fielding an ineligible player or a player under suspension
      2. Failure to field a team with a minimum of seven (7) players for 11v11 matches, and five (5) players for 7v7 matches within ten (10) of the scheduled starting time as determined by the referee’s watch. For the coed league, the gender rules still apply to the seven-person minimum. It will be recorded which team was not ready to start at the ten (10) minute mark. The opponent of a team that is not ready may choose not to force the forfeit.
    2. In the event of a forfeit with both teams present at the field, both teams must pay their portion of the referee fee.
    3. In the event of a no-show forfeit (fewer than seven players present), the forfeiting team will be charged the entire referee fee plus a fifty dollar ($50.00) fine.
    4. Voluntary forfeits must be made by the following deadlines or will carry a fine equal to the entire referee fee:
      1. Morning leagues by 8pm the previous evening
      2. All evening leagues by noon game day.
    5. Forfeiting more than two times in the same season will be considered persistent unsporting behavior and will be dealt with by the Disciplinary and Protest Committee in accordance with Paragraph 10 of Section XII- Disciplinary Measures.
    6. Not being ready to play with the minimum number of players by the ten (10) minute mark more than once per season will be considered persistent unsporting behavior and will be dealt with by the Discipline and Protest Committee in accordance with Paragraph 10 of Section XII- Disciplinary Measures.
    1. Types of Sanctions
      1. Disciplinary sanctions which may be imposed on teams are
        1. a caution
        2. a censure
        3. a fine
        4. cancellation of a match (requiring a replay, if necessary)
        5. deduction or cancellation of points
        6. a win by forfeit, in which case a score of 3-0 will be given; (however, if the goal difference already attained in the match is greater, it shall be considered valid)
        7. a ban from taking part in future competitions
        8. These sanctions may be combined.
      2. Disciplinary sanctions which may be imposed on persons are:
        1. a caution
        2. a censure
        3. a fine
        4. suspension for a specified number of matches and/or a specified period
        5. a temporary or lifelong suspension from all official functions
        6. These sanctions may be combined.
    2. Implementation of Sanctions
      1. Principles
        1. All the disciplinary sanctions contained in this list represent minimum penalties. The Disciplinary and Protest Committee shall be empowered to impose harsher sanctions if the gravity of the offense warrants it. The Disciplinary and Protest Committee shall in any case ensure that the sanction imposed be appropriate to the infringement committed.
        2. Extenuating or aggravating circumstances shall be taken into account.
        3. Repetition of the offense shall automatically incur a harsher penalty.
        4. Refusal by a player to give his name to the referee shall always be sanctioned by suspension from one other match (in the case of repetition: two matches).
        5. If any infringement is committed before kick-off or after the match is over, the same sanctions shall apply as those for a similar infringement committed during the match.
        6. Any suspension imposed on a player shall be served immediately.
    3. Infringements or Incidents at Matches
      1. Cautions (without expulsion) of a player by the referee for:
        1. foul play
        2. dangerous play
        3. criticism of the referee’s or linesmen’s decisions, protests etc.
        4. disparaging remarks about referees, linesmen, other players, or any other person present at the match
        5. ill-mannered (incorrect) behavior
        6. unethical (ungentlemanly) conduct
        7. gamesmanship (time wasting, deliberate hand ball etc.)
        8. temporarily leaving the field of play without notifying the referee
        9. other unsporting behavior (feigning, making rude gestures to the public etc.)
        10. for coed only; sliding tackles
          • Punishment: confirmation of the caution and imposition of a fifteen ($15.00) fine.
          • Repetition: (even if it is not the same type of infraction): any player who shall accumulate four cautions in a season will be suspended until the player has appeared before the D&P Committee to justify further participation in the league.
      2.  Any player receiving a yellow card shall leave the field of play for 10 minutes for 11v11 games and 5 minutes for 8v8 or 7v7 games.  The player may be replaced if a substitute is available.  For coed, the maximum number of male players on the field still applies.  If no substitute is available, the team will play short for the duration of the punishment.  If the team drops below the minimum number of players, the game may continue.
    4. Expulsion by the referee for:
      1. serious foul play
      2. very dangerous play
      3. persistent protests against decisions by the referee and linesmen
      4. leaving the field of play in protest without notifying the referee
      5. repeated misconduct despite a previous caution by the referee
      6. extremely unethical (ungentlemanly) conduct
      7. repeated gamesmanship
      8. insulting players, team officials or any other person present at the match
      9. other serious acts of unsporting behavior
        • Punishment: suspension for at least one match and a thirty dollar ($30) fine.
        • Repetition: (even if it is not the same type of infraction): suspension until the player has appeared before the D&P Committee to justify further participation in the league.
    5. Expulsion of a player by the referee for insulting the referee and/or linesmen
      1. Punishment: suspension for at least two matches and a thirty dollar ($30) fine.
      2. Repetition: suspension for at least four matches and a fine.
    6. Expulsion of a player by the referee for insulting the referee and/or linesman
      1. Punishment: suspension for at least two matches and a thirty dollar ($30) fine.
      2. Repetition: suspension for at least four matches and a fine.
    7. Expulsion of a player by the referee for violent conduct
      1. Punishment: suspension for at least three matches a thirty dollar ($30) fine, additionally the player is suspended until the player has appeared before the D&P Committee to justify further participation in the league.
      2. Repetition: suspension for at least four matches and a fine.
    8. Expulsion of a player by the referee for serious violence against another player, team official or any other person present at the match (brawl, serious incident)
      1. Punishment: suspension for at least seven matches and a thirty dollar ($30) fine, additionally the player is suspended until the player has appeared before the HWSA executive board to justify further participation in the league.
      2. A report may be filed with TSSAS and USSF for possible further disciplinary action.
      3. Repetition: suspension for a specified period (at least 12 months) and a fine.
    9. Expulsion of a player by the referee for verbal abuse against the referee and/or assistant referee
      1. Punishment: suspension for at least seven matches and a fifty dollar ($50.00) fine, additionally the player is suspended until the player has appeared before the D&P Committee to justify further participation in the league.
      2. Repetition: lifelong ban.
    10. Expulsion of a player by the referee for threatening behavior toward the referee and/or assistant referee
      1. Punishment: suspension for at least fifteen (15) matches and a fifty dollar ($50.00) fine, additionally the player is suspended until the player has appeared before the HWSA executive board to justify further participation in the league.
      2. Repetition: lifelong ban.
    11. Expulsion of a player by the referee for assault against the referee and/or assistant referee
      1. Punishment: lifelong suspension and a seventy-five dollar ($75.00) fine.
    12. Fines must be paid to the treasurer by the earliest of 15 days from notification by the secretary or the next league meeting. Failure to pay these fines shall result in the team’s forfeiture of all matches scheduled until the fines have been paid. If a team is in a forfeiture position, payment must be made at least 24 hours before game time so that payment may be verified.
    13. In addition to HWSA measures, players and coaches are subject to disciplinary measures of TSSAS. Any of the sanctions listed above or other violations of HWSA’s Constitution, By-Laws, or General Rules may be accompanied by a report, complaint or grievance to TSSAS and/or to USSF. If such reports, complaints or grievances concern individual players, the player will be suspended from HWSA activities until such time as TSSAS and/or USSF have made a final determination.
    14. The DPC will address a history of persistent serious offenses by a team, club or player. The team, club or players will be counseled regarding HWSA’s standards regarding sportsmanship and advised that continued unsporting behavior may result in fines, suspension or banishment from league play.
    1. All HWSA Leagues
      1. Substitutions
        • Free substitution only with the consent of the referee.
        • By the team controlling the ball on a throw-in, or by either team on a goal kick, at the start of the half, after a goal has been scored, and after play has been stopped for injury. No substitutions may be made on a corner kick or penalty kick, although a field player may change places with the goalkeeper with the permission of the referee.
      2. Fair Play
        1. A player should use skill, not physical size, to win the ball from another player. To do otherwise may be considered a cautionable offense (yellow card).
      3. Shin guards must be worn by all players.
      4. All jerseys must have a permanent number with the exception of the goalkeeper. Numerals shall be at least five (5) inches high.
      5. In the event of a color conflict, the home team is responsible for changing. However, the away team is expected to wear the primary color listed on the team page.
    2. All COED Leagues
      1. Slide tackling is not permitted in coed league games.
        1. A “clean” slide tackle, as deemed by the referee, may be issued a verbal warning and indirect free kick (dangerous play).
        2. Subsequent slide tackles or tackles that are careless, reckless and/or endanger the safety of an opponent result in a yellow or red card and direct free kick.
        3. Additionally, coed league players may slide to control the ball (e.g., to keep it from going out of bounds) as long as no other players are nearby and endangered in the judgment of the referee.
        4. Goalkeepers may slide to tackle the ball if, in the referee’s judgement, the tackle is properly executed (i.e., does not carelessly or recklessly endanger the attacking player). No feet first slides are allowed. Players should be aware that the keeper may slide and proceed accordingly.
      2. Should any male field player receive a red card, the maximum number of men allowed on the field shall be reduced by one for each red card received,
      3. Women’s goals will be scored as two (2) points, including penalty kicks
      4. All goals awarded are based on last offensive player to touch the ball. This includes all deflection or own goals.
    3. 11v11 COED only
      1. Minimum seven (7) players per side needed to play a match.
      2. Only five (5) male outfield players may be on the pitch at any time. Keepers may be any gender. No limit on female players.
      3. Two 40 minute halves.
      4. Male players will be capped at three (3) goals per game. If a fourth goal is scored by the same male, a goal kick will be awarded to the opposing team.
    4. 11v11 Women’s only
      1. Minimum seven (7) players per side needed to play a match.
      2. Two 45 minute halves.
      3. Slide tackling permitted.
    5. 7v7 COED only
      1. Minimum five (5) players (including at least one female) per side needed to play a match.
      2. Maximum four (4) male players may be on the pitch at any time
      3. Two 30 minute halves
      4. No goalkeepers
      5. Goals are 4’ x 6’ wide. A rectangular crease will be chalked in front each goal.
      6. No players may stand inside the crease.
        • A player may pass the ball through the crease, but may not contact the ball while either the ball or the player is inside the crease.
        • Should a defending player contact the ball while either the ball or the player is in the crease, a goal will be awarded to the attacking team.
        • Should an attacking player contact the ball while either the ball or the player is in the crease, a goal kick will be awarded to the opposing team.
        • Should the ball come to a dead stop inside the crease, the defending team will be awarded a goal kick.
      7. No offside rule
      8. No throw-ins. Throw-ins are replaced by kick-ins.
      9. All dead ball restarts are indirect (corner kicks, goal kicks, fouls)
      10. Kick-off is also indirect and may be taken in any direction.
      11. Goal kicks may be taken from any point on the end-line.
      12. Penalty kicks will be awarded if, in the judgement of the referee, a goal-scoring opportunity was denied by a foul. Result is a direct kick to be taken from the 20-yard line. Failure to score a goal will result in a goal kick.
      13. Substitutions may be made on any stoppage except free kicks, with permission of referee.
    6. O40 Women’s League
      1. Minimum five (5) players per team needed to play a match
      2. Two 25 minute halves
      3. No offside rule
      4. No throw-ins. Throw-ins are replaced my kick-ins
      5. Dead ball restarts follow the same laws as 11v11 and include both direct and indirect kicks.
      6. Maximum three (3) goals per player. Additional goals scored by the same player will result in a goal kick to the opposing team.
      7. Once a team reaches a four (4) goal lead, the opposing team may add a field player. Another player may be added at two (2) goal increments.
      8. Slide tackling not permitted
      9. Players currently registered in the O40 league may fill in on another team. If a “guest” player scores, the goal is recorded to the keeper or the assisting player. Injuries or cautions should be noted in the comments section of the game report.



Houston Women's Soccer Association

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Houston, TX 77254

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