This organization shall be known as SOUTH CAROLINA DIXIE YOUTH BASEBALL.



The purpose of this organization is to direct the Dixie Youth Baseball program for the youth of the State of South Carolina; twelve years and under, and in doing so to promote the growth of all participants, physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually.



The territory embracing the Leagues shall be divided into eleven (11) geographical districts as determined by the Board of Directors and approved by the Leagues.



A.       The officers and Directors of this organization shall be:

              1. The State Director/Treasurer

              2. The Assistant State Directors/Secretary

              3. The District Directors

              4. The National Directors

              5. The State Umpire-in-Chief (ex-officio)


B.    Each elected member of the Board of Directors will be entitled to one (1) vote on all matters before the Board of Directors. 

Interim Directors shall also be allowed to vote until a permanent director is elected.


C.    The State Umpire-in-Chief, an appointed position by the State Director, will serve as an ex-officio, non- voting member.



A.       The State Director shall be elected by the franchised leagues within the State of South Carolina as prescribed in the Dixie Youth Baseball Constitution and Bylaws.


B.       The District Directors shall be elected by the franchised leagues, within their district, to a three year term. This election will be conducted by the State Director, usually in February. Each franchised league shall be allowed one (1) vote. No one person may cast a ballot for more than one (1) league. If only one (1) qualified person is nominated for District Director the State Director will declare that person duly elected. The State Director shall notify the franchised leagues within that district of the person who was elected.


C.       Only a duly authorized league representative may nominate a current District Director for election, nominate someone else for the position of District Director, or vote for District Director. A duly authorized representative of a league is the League President or a person designated, in writing, by the League President, who is currently active in the voting league.


D.       Assistant District Directors may be appointed by the District Director with that District’s franchised leagues approval.


E.    Vacancies of National and State Directors may be filled on an interim basis by the remaining directors until such time an election is held for the purpose of electing a replacement.


F.        Vacancies of District Directors may be filled by the State Director on an interim basis until such time an election is held for the purpose of electing a replacement.

G.      The State Secretary shall be elected by the State Board at the Annual Meeting. He shall serve for three (3) years beginning with the meeting of the Board of Directors at the annual State Tournament.


H.      The Assistant State Director, not to exceed three (3), shall be appointed by and shall serve at the pleasure of the State Director.


I.         The State Umpire-in-Chief shall be appointed by and shall serve at the pleasure of the State Director.


J.        To hold office of District Director, State Director, State Secretary, Assistant State Director, or State Umpire-in-Chief, that person must have been associated with Dixie Youth Baseball for a minimum of three (3) years.



A.       An annual State meeting of the Board of Directors and the franchised leagues of South Carolina will be held each year between February 1 and April 1.


B.       Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the State Director or by any six (6) voting members of the Board of Directors.


C.       A quorum for the transaction of business at any regular or special meeting of the Board of Directors shall consist of at least

        seven (7) members of the Board. A majority of those present shall have the power to adjourn the meeting to a future time.


D.       The Board of Directors may establish as many committees as they declare necessary and may appoint members of the Board of Directors to serve thereon.


E.    Only a duly authorized representative of a franchised league is allowed to vote in any manner before a district or state              meeting. No one person can represent more than one league. A duly authorized representative of a league shall be the league president or a person designated by him who is currently active in the voting league.



A.    The Board of Directors shall act in an advisory capacity to the State Director; shall investigate any written complaints                      against DIXIE YOUTH BASEBALL within the State of South Carolina, and shall take whatever action deemed advisable pertaining to such complaints.


B.    The Board of Directors shall have full power to adopt any regulations to govern the Board of Director’s deliberations so long as they comply with the rules, policies, intent, and regulations of DIXIE YOUTH BASEBALL, INC.


C.    The Board of Directors shall have full power to establish all Tournament Requirements for all Divisions of South Carolina Dixie Youth Baseball so long as they do not conflict with the rules, policies, intent, and regulations of DIXIE YOUTH BASEBALL, INC.


D.    The Board of Directors shall have full power to prohibit any individual whose conduct reflects unfavorably on DIXIE YOUTH BASEBALL from participating in any DIXIE YOUTH BASEBALL program in the State of South Carolina.



The qualifications for membership and duties of Officers and Directors, and regulations as may be necessary and proper for the conduct of business and affairs of SOUTH CAROLINA DIXIE YOUTH BASEBALL shall be provided for in the Bylaws.



This Constitution may be amended at any meeting by an affirmative vote of two thirds (2/3) of the votes by the leagues present, provided copies of the amendment have been mailed to each league at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting at which the vote is to be taken.



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