A. The State Director

  1. Shall preside at all State and Board Meetings;
  2. Shall be in “General Control” of all franchised leagues within the State of South Carolina;
  3. Shall work closely with the Officers and Directors of South Carolina Dixie Youth Baseball;
  4. May direct correspondence to the various leagues and require same from them;
  5. Shall conduct all business in behalf of the Organization;
  6. Shall make every effort to further the policy adopted by the Board of Directors;
  7. Shall investigate any complaints against another league or within a league and he may solicit help from the District Director or any other Board Member(s) as deemed necessary;
  8. Shall be empowered to suspend or remove a District Director for direct violations of Dixie Youth Baseball, Inc., rules, for failure to carry out his prescribed duties, or conduct detrimental to Dixie Youth Baseball, Inc., or the District he serves;
  9. Shall serve as State Treasurer and make an annual financial report to the Board of Directors at the end of each season;
  10. Shall deposit all fees and dues in a reputable bank, in the name of the organization, and sign all checks to make the proper disbursements;
  11. Shall  appoint an Assistant State Director(s);
  12. Shall appoint a State Umpire-in-Chief;
  13. Shall mail to each league a copy or post on the SCDYB website a copy of the South Carolina Dixie Youth Baseball Constitution and Bylaws;
  14. Shall mail to each league a copy or post on the SCDYB website a copy of the South Carolina Dixie Youth Baseball State Tournament host requirements.
  15. Shall approve or disapprove a State Tournament site with advise from at least two (2) members of the State Board of Directors;
  16. Shall approve all Umpires for the State Tournaments;
  17. Shall issue notice of all State Board Meetings and the annual statewide League meeting;
  18. Shall fulfill the job duties as prescribed by DIXIE YOUTH BASEBALL, INC.;
  19. Should a State Director leave office before completion of his term his replacement will be selected according to the guidelines of DIXIE YOUTH BASEBALL, INC.
  20. Shall appoint State Tournament directors for Majors, O-Zone, AAA, and AA as he deems necessary.
  21. Shall purchase District T-shirts for Major, O-Zone, AAA, and AA State Tournament teams.



A. The assistant State Director / Secretary

  1. Shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the Board of Directors;
  2. Shall keep the minutes of the annual State Meeting and other called State Meetings;
  3. Shall mail/email a copy of the minutes to each member of the Board of Directors after each official meeting.



A. The District Director

  1. Shall preside at all meetings of his respective District;
  2. Shall conduct all business in behalf of the District;
  3. Shall make every effort to further the policy adopted by the District;
  4. Shall maintain a current map showing league boundaries within his District;
  5. Shall maintain a current roster of franchised leagues within his District;
  6. Shall maintain a current roster of all league contacts within his District;
  7. Shall inform all league contacts of all business conducted by the Board of Directors;
  8. Shall be responsible for all District and Sub-District Tournaments within the District;
  9. Shall fulfill the job duties as prescribed by DIXIE YOUTH BASEBALL, INC.;
  10. Shall have the right to vote on all matters before the Board of Directors;
  11. Shall deposit all fees and dues in a reputable bank in the name of the District and sign all checks to make proper disbursements;
  12. Shall appoint an Assistant District Director;
  13. Shall appoint a District Umpire-in-Chief.
  14. Shall approve all Sub-District and District Tournament umpires
  15. Shall approve all Sub-District and District umpire fees at no more than $35.00 a game and no less than $25.00 a game, with no travel fee.
  16. Shall not umpire in any sub district or district tournament games.


B. The Assistant District Director

  1. Shall assist all leagues as directed by the District Director;
  2. Shall assume control of District Meetings in the absence of the District Director;
  3. Will only vote on matters before the Board of Directors in the absence of the District Director.



A. The National Director

  1. Shall be a member of the State Board of Directors;
  2. Shall have the right to vote on all matters before the Board of Directors;
  3. Shall fulfill the job duties as prescribed by DIXIE YOUTH BASEBALL, INC.



A. The State Umpire-in-Chief

  1. Shall be an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors;
  2. Shall not have voting rights on any matter before the Board of Directors;
  3. Shall advise the Board of Directors on the umpire training program, procedures to be followed, and suggest changes that, with the Board of Directors approval, should be implemented;
  4. Shall have the responsibility of certifying umpires or setting up an umpire certification program for those umpires working SOUTH CAROLINA DIXIE YOUTH BASEBALL tournament games;
  5. Shall evaluate umpires during the regular season and during tournament games to determine their progress and the progress of the certification program;
  6. Shall certify all District Umpire-in-Chiefs and instruct them in the procedures they must follow in training local tournament umpires;
  7. Shall work with the State Director and District Directors to insure Dixie Youth Baseball rules and procedures are being followed during the certification programs;
  8. Shall maintain a directory of all certified umpires for each year and provide such a directory to the State Director or District Director upon request.
  9. Shall appoint an Assistant State Umpire-in-Chief(s) with approval of the State Director.


B. The Assistant State Umpire-in-Chief

  1. Shall assist the State Umpire-in-Chief in performing all duties as directed by the State Umpire-in-Chief and approved by the State Director.


C. The District Umpire-in-Chief

1.    Shall be selected by the District Director and serve at the pleasure of the District Director;

2.    Shall be certified by the State Umpire-in-Chief;

3.    Shall hold training sessions in his District for the purpose of training umpires for use in tournament games;

4.    Shall notify, with the District Directors assistance, all leagues of certification clinics;

5.    Shall maintain a directory of all certified umpires within the District and provide such directory upon request to a league, State Director, District Director, or State Umpire-in-Chief;

6.    Shall, upon request, assist a league(s) in obtaining certified umpires for their tournament games;

7.    Shall evaluate umpires during regular season and tournament games to determine their progress and the progress of the certification program.



The annual meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held after the DIXIE YOUTH WORLD SERIES and before February 15 at a place designated by the State Director.



All members of the Board of Directors shall assume office no later than September 1 of the year in which they are elected.



The Board of Directors shall determine any additional state franchise or league fees in addition to those of DIXIE YOUTH BASEBALL, INC. All state fees are to be mailed to the State Director at the time the League is franchised. A district fee may be set if a majority of the Leagues within the District approve of the same. State fees shall be used in the operation of the State Director’s office.  District fees will be used in the operation of the District.  Umpire certification fees shall be used to pay the expenses of the District UIC’s.

Any remaining umpire certification fees shall be used in the operation of the State Director’s office.



Dates for operation of SOUTH CAROLINA DIXIE YOUTH BASEBALL shall conform to the dates as approved by the BOARD OF DIXIE YOUTH BASEBALL, INC.



Amendments to these BYLAWS may be made by a majority vote of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS at any meeting or any special meeting when the proposed amendment has been sent out in the notice of such meeting.  All amendments must be approved by the CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS COMMITTEE OF DIXIE YOUTH BASEBALL, INC.



1.    The State Director shall not accept collect long distance phone calls.

2.    Each tournament host shall forward the tournament host fee plus a field inspection fee, set by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS, to the District Director.

3.    World Series uniforms will be furnished by the SOUTH CAROLINA DIXIE YOUTH BASEBALL ORGANIZATION; no other substitute uniform will be permitted without the approval of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS.

       NO uniforms may be purchased by any member of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS without prior approval by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS.

4.    An award to be known as the DANNY JONES AWARD will be presented each year at the Annual State Meeting to an outstanding volunteer within the STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA.

5.    An award to be known as the SOUTH CAROLINA DIXIE YOUTH BASEBALL HONOR ROLL will be presented as deemed appropriate by the STATE BOARD OF DIRECTORS.

6.    Any league desiring to host any SOUTH CAROLINA STATE TOURNAMENT must submit their request, in writing, to the State Director no later than February 10 prior to the year in which they wish to host.

7.    STATE TOURNAMENT DATES are to be set by the State Director.

8.    Each SOUTH CAROLINA DIXIE YOUTH TOURNAMENT host shall be required to charge one dollar ($1.00) extra for admission on the opening day of the tournament to be designated for the DIXIE YOUTH BASEBALL SCHOLARSHIP FUND. In Sub-District and District Tournaments this money will be forwarded to the District Director who will in turn forward all money to the South Carolina Scholarship Chairman.  State Tournament hosts shall make a $1000.00 donation to the Dixie Youth Baseball Scholarship Fund for each State Tournament hosted.  The State Director will be responsible for donating all moneys collected in this manner and any other moneys that may be designated as such to the DIXIE YOUTH BASEBALL SCHOLARSHIP FUND.

9.    Each league hosting a AAA, Majors, or O-Zone SOUTH CAROLINA DIXIE YOUTH Sub-District or District ALL-STAR TOURNAMENT MUST use at least three (3) SOUTH CAROLINA DIXIE YOUTH certified umpires.

10.  Each league hosting an AA South Carolina Dixie Youth Baseball Tournament MUST use at least two (2) South Carolina Dixie Youth certified umpires.


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