Want to become a Volunteer with East Lakeland Baseball? Follow these steps below.
Whether you want to become a Coach, Manager or Team Parent in the dugout there a couple small steps to take before hitting the fields.
- First, Register on our website here.
- You will receive an Email from eastlakelandbaseball@gmail.com if you have been selected to proceed with the next steps.
- All Volunteers working with our youth MUST complete a background check. The link to our background checks will be posted here as soon as it is avaiable. (If you've completed a background check with us within the past year, we should already have it on file.) Background checks must be completed annually.
- Once your background check has been approved, follow these next steps. Every Manager, Coach and Team Parent MUST complete a NAYS certification. This is a requirement for the County to allow said volunteer access to being on the field/dugout. Your card must be worn AT ALL TIMES while on the fields or in the dugout. This includes practices and games, whether you're on our fields or others. The County does check randomly that our Volunteers have their certifications and you MUST be able to provide them proof by showing your card if asked. If you cannot, you will be asked to remove yourself from the field IMMEDIATELY. We will provide all volunteers a lanyard for you to place your card in. This certifcation will be good for 1-5 years depending on how you file. You can visit Nays.org to complete your certification.
- All volunteers will be notified of their meetings to attend before the season begins. Be on the lookout for your email or phone call.
- Managers/Coaches/Team Parents will have access to their teams and parents through the TeamPass app. Your schedules (practices/games) will be accesible through the app as well.
We are so excited you have decided to join the East Lakeland Baseball Family and help develop and encourage our youth. We cannot Thank You enough for volunteering your time to East Lakeland Baseball and most of all our kids. YOU are appreciated! See you on the clay!