The ECNL has gone digital and the procedures for ECNL Referees have changed for the 24/25 season. Please share with all referees who will be involved with ECNL games (includes ECNL, Regional League and U12 PreECNL teams)
The link below has the information the referees will need to check teams in and submit game reports digitally.  They do not need to download the ECNL app as they will use the team managers phone to check the team in.
After the game, the home team manager will give them a QR code. The Refs will scan the QR code on their own mobile device and then use their own mobile device to enter scores, report red/yellow cards, etc
The Refs will then digitally sign and submit the match report from their own mobile device.
U12 Pre ECNL will play 2x35

from last year, but some still valid

Clubs should each provide a Match Report to the referee and have him/her check both teams in using the Match Report and player and staff passcards. This check-in process is vital and no ECNL games should commence without completion of this step. 
Referee should place a check in the box to indicate the player is playing in this particular match and is wearing the appropriate jersey number. Any notable alterations to uniform numbers should be denoted on the Match Report. 
Referee and/or Team representative should cross off (strike through) any players not participating in the match who are listed on the Match Report, for suspension, injury, or other. If players are on the roster but not striked through, they will count toward the 18 player maximum.  
Referee should be given time and space to completely fill in the Match Report at the completion of the game. IMPORTANT: please include printed names of center referee and both A/Rs
Referee should fill in:
Match Score (goals in first half, second half, and final score)
Goals (player number and minute-mark for each goal scored)
Yellow and/or Red cards in the game (player number and minute-mark for each issued card)
Brief incident report if double yellow or red card is given (this can be done on the Game Notes section of the form or on the back of the form). For any serious matters, or incidents that require additional discussion, please email
Any incident involving discriminatory language or actions must be reported immediately. Write up the details on the game report (using exact words and description of action / language). Please follow up with an email to
        3. Home Team should keep the Match Report and/or Incident Report upon            completion by Referee - it is their responsibility to submit to the ECNL 

Substitutions:  Substitutions in all ECNL regular season conference matches, Under-13 through Under-18/19, all follow the same procedures. There is no re-entry per half. 
Head Injuries: In the case of head injuries, a player deemed to require evaluation for a potential head injury or concussion may be removed from the game and temporarily replaced by a player during the evaluation period as long as the club has an available sub at that time, and it is an available sub that checks-in for the evaluated player. If the team does not have an available sub, the team must play down a player during the evaluation period. Clearance for the player to return to the match is at the discretion of the Certified Athletic Trainer. 
Game Durations: Generally, Under-13 matches have 35 minute halves, Under-14, Under-15 and Under-16 matches have 40 minute halves, and Under-17 and Under-18/19 matches have 45 minute halves. The only exception to this rule is in the Texas Conference, where Under-13 conference matches involve 40 minute halves in the ECNL Boys only.  Appropriate injury time should be added to every game in the ECNL – as these games all impact standings and qualifications.
Arrival Times:  It is asked that all referees arrive at matches no later than 30 minutes prior to kick off for ECNL matches in order to properly facilitate team check-in processes. All matches must include three (3) sanctioned referees.  
Experience: The ECNL is the highest level of youth soccer competition. We ask that every possible effort be made to get the most experienced referees in the area for these games, especially for the older age groups. 



Tim Snyder Assigning

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