Ref assignors see updated info:
ICSL will be moving forward ONLY collecting ref reports where issues arise. All info below can be found at the above link.
Please send the link and info to ALL referees!
When filling out the referee game report to the left please fill in all information asked on both sheets and send your report with the Game Day Rosters and/or Match cards to the ICSL office. The online ref report to the left is a PDF that you can type directly on, save and email over with your Game Day Rosters and/or Match cards.
Referee Game Day Reports should be filled out and sent in within 48hrs if the following happens:
Field issues
Yellow Card
Red Card
Coach issues
Sideline behavior 
Illegal Player: A player not on the Roster and/or Match card who plays in the game 
Illegal Coach: If 2 Coaches are on the Roster and/or Match card than only 2 Coaches stand with the players. 
Any other info the Referee wants to inform the league about.
You may also mail your report with Game Day Rosters to 222 Bustleton Pike Feasterville Pa 19053, fax your report with Game Day Rosters to 215-322-7566, or scan the report with Game Day Rosters to  
1.   Make sure players at the field match the names on the roster and/or match cards as well as shin guards are on and socks are pulled up etc.
2.   Check Coaches!!!!!!! If the Roster has two coaches listed than only two coaches stand with the players. PERIOD! If there are more coaches than roster has listed you MUST submit. EPYSA only allows cleared and carded coaches in the coaching box.
3.   Check the field and net. Report if there are issues.
4.   Teams on opposite sides. Example Hunter vs CRUSA. The CRUSA Parents, players, and coaches on one side. Hunter’s parents, players, and coaches on the other side.
5.   If a team takes the field with NO JERSEY numbers at all on any players or even just 2 players, REPORT IT!



Tim Snyder Assigning

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